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“What matters most” – Elon Musk comments on the huge Bitcoin price earthquake triggered by the tech billionaire

“What matters most” – Elon Musk comments on the huge Bitcoin price earthquake triggered by the tech billionaire


Bitcoin has retreated from its recent highs after BlackRock analysts issued an “unprecedented” warning.

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Bitcoin has fallen to around $60,000 per bitcoin, with panicked traders turning to a “critical level” that could be breached and send the price of bitcoin plummeting.

Now, after billionaire Michael Dell sparked wild speculation that his computer company might follow MicroStrategy and Elon Musk’s Tesla into bitcoin, Dell has taken to polling his X followers, asking whether bitcoin, artificial intelligence, or “love and relationships” are the most important thing.

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The price of Bitcoin has fallen from its recent peak of over $70,000 per Bitcoin.

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The poll results so far show 45% voting in favor of Bitcoin, while “love and relationships” came in second with 38% of the votes.

Musk responded to Dell's survey by saying, “I'm an emotional idiot, so I chose 'Love and Relationships.'”

“We look forward to the next reveal,” Bitcoin analyst Dylan LeClair replied, noting that he expects Dell to announce that it has purchased Bitcoin.

Earlier this month, Dell, who is the 15th richest person in the world according to Forbes, posted a series of bitcoin-focused posts on X and had a back-and-forth with MicroStrategy founder Michael Saylor, sparking speculation that “Dell could be the next domino to fall” and start buying bitcoin.

The interaction between Dell and Saylor mirrored a similar conversation between Tesla billionaire Elon Musk and Saylor in late 2020 before Musk revealed that Tesla had bought $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin. Tesla then sold most of its bitcoin in 2022 but still held on to 10,000 bitcoins worth about $600 million.

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Bitcoin price has rebounded this year after the devastating Bitcoin price crash in 2022.

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Sailor has emerged as one of Bitcoin's most bullish and fanatical supporters, having purchased 214,400 Bitcoin via MicroStrategy since the summer of 2020 — representing 1% of all Bitcoin that will ever exist — and leading a movement to adopt Bitcoin as a reserve asset for other corporate treasuries.

MicroStrategy has seen its stock price skyrocket since it started buying Bitcoin in the summer of 2020, rising nearly 1,000% pushing the software company to a market cap of $26 billion.

Last month, medical device maker Semler Scientific announced that it had purchased $40 million worth of bitcoin and would continue to buy bitcoin in the future, boosting its stock price by nearly 60%.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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