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Japan marks six months since Noto Peninsula quake; over 4,000 residents evacuate disaster-hit areas

Japan marks six months since Noto Peninsula quake; over 4,000 residents evacuate disaster-hit areas


Yomiuri Shimbun Elementary school students arrive at Wajima Junior High School in Wajima, Ishikawa Prefecture, on Monday. Students from six elementary schools in the city are temporarily using the junior high school's facilities.

Monday marked six months since the Noto Peninsula earthquake struck Ishikawa Prefecture on New Year's Day. Despite progress in repairing roads and water supply systems, and building temporary housing units, many residents are still leaving the disaster-hit areas.

By the end of May, a total of 4,189 people had left the six cities and towns in the province severely affected by the January 1 disaster. This number is almost double the number recorded in the same period last year, when 2,170 people left.

According to the population statistics of each municipality, 1,257 people left Wajima from January to May, compared with 531 in the same period last year. Suzu saw 567 departures, compared with 164 last year, and Noto saw 428 people leave, compared with 223 last year.

Anamizu had 292 people leaving, up from 100; Nanao saw 1,240 flights, compared to 858 last year; Shika saw 405 people leave, up from 294.

According to the Ishikawa Prefectural Government, 281 people in the prefecture died as a result of the earthquake, which exceeds the death toll of 276 people in the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake.

A total of 229 people died as a result of direct causes of the Noto disaster, such as being trapped in collapsed buildings, being exposed to fires or being hit by the tsunami. As of Thursday, the remaining 52 deaths were recognized as being caused by the disaster, including people who died from aggravation of a chronic illness while living in evacuation centers.

By Friday, compensation claims for disaster-related deaths had been submitted for 221 people, including cases that had already been certified by local governments. Regional and municipal governments in affected areas have been working with expert committees to review applications since May.

More than 2,000 people are still living as migrants, with 970 of them staying in primary evacuation centres, and 1,222 in secondary evacuation sites, such as hotels and other accommodation.

The construction of the temporary housing units is expected to be completed next August.

Despite progress in repairing roads and water supply networks, the demolition of damaged homes and other buildings has not proceeded smoothly, mainly due to a shortage of construction workers. Only 4.7 percent of the total demolition requests submitted by local governments at public expense had been completed as of Friday.

The Ministry of Environment has begun providing support to municipal governments when they appoint contractors from remote locations to help speed up demolition work.

Many parts of the affected areas still look as they did immediately after the earthquake, leaving many residents unsure of how to rebuild their lives.




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