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Builders develop 3D-printed home that can withstand magnitude 7 earthquakes: 'Built to last'

Builders develop 3D-printed home that can withstand magnitude 7 earthquakes: 'Built to last'
Builders develop 3D-printed home that can withstand magnitude 7 earthquakes: 'Built to last'


Kazakhstan is perhaps best known in the United States as the site of Russian missile launches and the home of Borat.

But a sturdy 1,076-square-foot home in Almaty might also turn some heads, especially for people living in areas prone to extreme weather that is becoming more prevalent as our planet warms.

The home was completed in two months by BM Partners using a 3D printer from COBOD International, which has an office in New York City, USA. It is built from ultra-strong concrete, which is commonly used in skyscrapers. As a result, it can withstand a 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

For reference, Michigan Tech University reported that this force represents a “major earthquake” that causes “serious damage.”

The designers are also promoting the project as the first 3D-printed housing in Central Asia.

“With this project, our company is confidently moving into the future, meeting the urgent need in Kazakhstan for modern, efficient, flexible and earthquake-resistant housing solutions,” BM CEO Marat Ushakhtiev said in a press release.

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While this is the first of its kind in Kazakhstan, 3D-printed homes are starting to pop up everywhere else. Many of these homes use recycled materials in the “ink,” which is mostly a solid substance that hardens in layers like concrete. Large, high-tech machines are used to stack each section. It took Copod just five days to “print” the walls of the house.

In the United States, about 40 percent of air pollution comes from construction and everyday indoor heating, cooling, and lighting, according to the American Institute of Architects. So clean, sustainable technologies that reduce greenhouse gases are often at the center of 3D designs. One innovation is preventing plastic waste from polluting our environment by turning waste into printed homes.

The Kazakh concrete includes polystyrene to help mitigate the region’s extreme temperature changes — from below zero to over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The concrete is also made from locally sourced sand and stone. The modern-looking home includes other elements required to meet earthquake safety codes. The concrete can withstand 8,500 pounds per square inch, far more than the typical brick and stone used in other regional buildings, according to COBOD.

“This project shows once again that 3D printed buildings are built to last, even when built in areas at risk of earthquakes,” said Henrik Lund Nielsen, General Manager of COBOD.

More robust and efficient homes are likely to become increasingly important in the coming years as more communities experience severe weather, impacting insurance premiums and coverage.

While it’s hard to equal the earthquake-resistance of an Almaty home, improving the energy efficiency of your living space is easily within reach with simple weatherproofing work, including adding insulation. Tax credits can reduce the cost of insulation, doors and windows, saving you hundreds of dollars a year while preventing up to 1,600 pounds of air pollution annually.

The COBOD headquarters is now a showroom to showcase the technology used in its construction. It is open to visitors, according to the designers.

“Adopting modern technologies is essential in today’s world. Our company is committed to staying at the forefront of technological advancements in the field of 3D printing for construction within our country,” said Oshakhtiev.

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