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Looking for things to do in July? Try a historical tour, an earthquake tour, an art gallery in the park, or a sunset hike in Filoli.


The new Spring Creek Trail in Filoli opens for hiking at sunset. Photo: Angela Swartz.

Whether you're looking to hone your gardening skills, explore local historical landmarks, or learn about local flora and fauna, you'll find plenty of opportunities on the peninsula. Check out our July home and garden events calendar.

Sunset Walks in Filoli

6-7:30 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays, July 10-August 15, Filoli, 86 Canada Road, Woodside | Registration and information.

Explore the natural grounds outside Filoli’s formal gardens on a guided sunset tour along the property’s newly opened Spring Creek Trail loop. The 2-mile trail, which opened in June, winds along a scenic riverbed and historic waterway built more than 100 years ago by William Bourne, the industrialist who built Filoli.

The 90-minute journey takes guests up winding trails through towering redwood trees, fern-covered forests, and ever-changing flora and fauna.

Learn how to care for succulents during the Menlo Park Library's Garden Talk event on July 3. Embarcadero Media file photo. Succulent Care

6:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 3 | Virtual | Hosted by Menlo Park Library | Free | Registration Required

The hot, dry summer season is a great time to start caring for succulents. Join local experts to learn about the many types of succulents and how to grow and propagate them.

Menlo Park Library holds Garden Talk events the first Wednesday of each month. Learn more.

Volunteers can help the Hidden Villa farm team care for the organization's farmland during two separate Farm Day events. Photo courtesy: Summer on the Farm

9am-noon, Wednesdays & Saturdays, July 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 27, 31 | Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills | Registration required.

Help the Hidden Villa farm team tend to the food grown in the fields for the benefit of the local community. Volunteers are needed to help weed the farm fields as well as assist with other tasks. Participants must be prepared to get dirty. The farm recommends wearing clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, sturdy shoes and a sun hat. Bring a water bottle and snacks, if you like.

Volunteers gather in front of the building at 9am and then head out into the fields from there.

Hidden Villa grows on approximately 7 acres of land, produces food for the community and donates 25% of the harvest to the Mountain View Community Services Agency Food Bank. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a guardian.

A trail marker indicates the start of the Nonette Hanko San Andreas Fault Trail in Los Trancos Preserve. Embarcadero Media file photo by Veronica Weber. Earthquake hiking trail

1pm-3:30pm, Sunday, July 7 | Los Trancos Reserve | Free | More info

Take a 2-mile hike along the San Andreas Fault with naturalist guide Paul Billig, as you learn about the wonders of plate tectonics and examine the remains left behind by thousands of major earthquakes. The fault runs 750 miles along California from Eureka to Bombay Beach in the Salton Sea. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake, the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the Bay Area, and the 1994 Northridge earthquake in Southern California occurred along the fault.

Families with engaged children, attentive listeners, and the ability to hike for several miles are welcome on this leisurely paced trip.

Meet at the Los Trancos parking area on Page Mill Road (across from Monte Bello Preserve).

Containers can be used to grow vegetables and other plants. Image courtesy of Getty Images. Learn how to grow plants in containers

6:30-7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 9 | Mountain View Public Library, 585 Franklin St. | Registration Recommended

From lack of or insufficient land to excessive shade in garden beds to unamended clay soil, there are many reasons to grow vegetables in containers. During this one-hour workshop, gardening expert Ann Burrell will teach you the basics of container gardening, including how to choose the right size and shape for your containers, what to put in them, fertilization regimens, and how to successfully grow fresh herbs, vegetables, flowers, and even fruit trees.

Seating is limited, but walk-ins are welcome.

The San Mateo History Museum's Victorian Days walking tour series will explore the history of the century-old Folger Estate Stable on July 20. Embarcadero Media file photo. Explore historic sites along the peninsula

Saturday & Sunday, July 20 – August 25 | Various locations throughout San Mateo County | FREE

To complement the Victorian days at the Old Courthouse, the San Mateo History Museum is offering a series of free walking tours throughout the peninsula this summer from Daly City to Menlo Park and the Coastal Trail to Pigeon Point. Visit cemeteries, museums, barns, stables, downtown sites of interest, residential areas, a historic railroad depot, a dueling site, a jail, a slot machine collection and a lighthouse.

Upcoming tours scheduled for the Victorian Days Walking Tours program include the early 20th century Folger Stable in Woodside (July 20) and the Allied Arts District in Menlo Park, mapped in 1892 (July 27). Tours vary in length. Some require reservations. More information.

Original artworks by more than 40 local artists will be on display at Filoli during the annual Art Tour on July 27 and 28. Courtesy of Filoli. Art Tour in the Park

10am-7pm, Saturday, July 27 and 10am-5pm, Sunday, July 28 | Filoli, 86 Canada Road, Woodside | Cost: $38 (general admission), $36 (seniors), $28 (children) | Tickets & Info.

Wander through the summer blooms of Filoli Park while browsing original artworks from over 40 carefully selected local artists during the historic building’s Summer Art Tour. Paintings, prints, ceramics, jewelry, textiles and more will be on display and available for purchase. There will also be art demonstrations in ceramics, origami, watercolors and other media throughout the day. The Art Tour is included with Filoli admission.

In July, the gardens are filled with the colours of roses, lavender, fruit, hydrangeas and a variety of cut flowers. To learn more about the flowers in bloom in the gardens, see the Philoli flower calendar.

See how plants are arranged and planted in small containers at Gamble Garden on July 27. Photo courtesy of Getty Images. See how to make “creative containers”

9:30-11:30 a.m., Saturday, July 27 | Gamble Garden, 1431 Waverley St., Palo Alto | $130 for members, $165 for non-members | Registration required

Instructor Catherine Glazier, a floral designer at Gamble Gardens who has co-led the floral design program at Filoli Gardens for eight years, will demonstrate how to create a very natural and organic container using rosemary and other seasonal plants complemented by flowers from the summer garden, as well as additional ways to create unique containers using leaves, ribbons, or branches. Teens and adults are welcome.

Residents can take seeds home from the seed library at the Rinconada Library in Palo Alto. Photo by Devin Roberts. Free summer seeds at local libraries

Not sure what seeds to plant in your garden? Head to your local library. Many public libraries in the Mid-Peninsula have seed libraries filled with local vegetable, fruit, herb, and flower seeds that residents can bring home and plant for free. You can find the seeds stored in old library card catalogs at most libraries that offer this service—no library card required. The seed varieties available rotate seasonally based on the ideal planting times for our area.

Public libraries in Rinconada, Menlo Park, Belle Haven, Mountain View, and Redwood City are among those that operate seed libraries in the area. Contact your local library for more information.





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