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Pro Terra Santia's response to the earthquake in Syria: “Don't underestimate the power of solidarity”


Since a devastating earthquake struck parts of Turkey and Syria in February 2023, Cordaid has been working with various partners in the region to provide emergency relief. Jean-François Thiry, Program Coordinator at Pro Terra Sancta, gives us an update on developments in Aleppo and talks about what it means to support people in multiple crises. “If we change the life of one person, we give hope to everyone around them.”

Programme Coordinator Jean-François Thiry (right) and his team in Aleppo. Photo: Pro Terra Santia

The earthquake was one of the most powerful ever to hit the region. An estimated 14 million people were affected, and more than 60,000 people died. In the immediate aftermath of this unprecedented disaster, monasteries in Aleppo and Latakia were transformed into relief centers overnight, hosting thousands of people whose homes had been damaged or destroyed.

“People stayed there for a long time, almost three months after the earthquake,” Thiry says. “They were so afraid of another earthquake that they didn’t even think about returning home. I remember the story of a five-year-old girl. She lived on the fifth floor of a high-rise building. During the earthquake, the apartment shook violently. Afterwards, her parents tried to calm her down by buying her a parrot. They named the bird Roc and said, ‘Roc will always protect you.’ That was the only way to convince her to return home.”

It's so sad.

“The shock is huge. I met another girl who always kept her shoes on in bed, so she was ready in case she had to leave the house again. Because that’s what people do. People run into the streets, without their belongings, sometimes without anything at all.”

How do you support these young children who are suffering from severe psychological trauma?

“We organize group sessions and offer an effective art therapy program, with music and drawing. Drawing can tell you a lot about what a child is dealing with. When we discover serious problems, we send the child to a psychologist. We also teach them to express their feelings and anxieties through theater and singing.

“Thanks to the support provided by Cordaid, we have repaired 100 homes in eastern Aleppo, and every day we prepare 1,300 hot meals for the poorest people in the city.”

“For the older kids, we started a football academy where they receive training from a professional coach. We received 270 applications. Playing sport can be very helpful in this situation. The players become friends and life starts to get back to normal. They dream of becoming Ronaldo or Messi. That’s exactly what they need.”

Football Academy in Aleppo. Photo: Pro Terra Santia

Northwestern Syria has suffered years of violence. Now, an earthquake has destroyed much of what is left and the economy is at its lowest point. As humanitarians, where do you start in such a multifaceted crisis?

“First, we give people some understanding of the situation and help them get back to normal. Psychosocial support is essential, although support for the adult population is often very practical too. They need to know that we are ready to support them with their daily needs. With Cordaid’s support, we are repairing 100 homes in east Aleppo and preparing 1,300 hot meals every day for the city’s poorest people. We also deliver meals to the homes of elderly people who cannot access our facilities. And we are installing solar panels. Electricity can be scarce here.”

Many women in Syria have lost their husbands in the war, what can you tell us about their situation?

“We are setting up psychosocial support centres, especially for widows. Women’s lives can be very difficult in this community, so we support them by raising awareness of their options. We help them find work and provide them with vocational training, such as hairdressing or soap making, so they can earn a living without relying on their husband.”

Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? When can humanitarian organizations in Syria move away from emergency support and start working on structural development?

“The truth is I don’t know. A lot of the infrastructure is still destroyed. When will the economy improve? We don’t know. Right now we literally need to keep thinking about how to provide people with their daily bread. And that’s what we are doing. With the support of Cordaid, we are producing large quantities of bread. In Syria, people eat bread with every meal. But unfortunately, there is a shortage of flour. The lines in front of the bakeries can be incredibly long. It can take hours to buy some bread. We decided to start producing it ourselves. We are now producing 2,000 kilograms a week, and in the coming months we will double the production.”

Bakery in Aleppo. Photo: Pro Terra Santia

You talked about the deteriorating Syrian economy, what can humanitarian organizations offer in this regard?

“Specifically, we are working with Cordaid on a project called Work in Progress. After years of conflict, COVID-19 and the earthquake, many small business owners have lost all hope. People just wanted to get on with their lives, but circumstances made that impossible. The project supports people with a business idea and helps restore the country’s economy. We have received over 850 applications, and we are currently supporting 15 businesses. We will start working with another 15 in September.”

“We will not be able to solve all the problems in Syria, but we can plant many seeds of hope.”

What types of business ideas have you seen among the apps?

“It’s very interesting. It also gives an insight into society and what people want for their future. Half of the proposals were things like hair salons or nail care. While this would have some value for people, we are looking for initiatives that help society move forward. Other applications were very creative. There was one for recycling plastic bags, for example. You see these things everywhere on the streets. It’s a big problem. Recycling would help the economy and the environment. There’s also a doctor who wants to start making prosthetics. There are a lot of people here who have serious physical injuries. This doctor sees the need, wants to help people and create a health business. I’m very proud of this project. It gives people a new direction.”

Working in such difficult and complex conditions requires a great deal of dedication and perseverance. Do you sometimes feel like all of this is just a drop in the ocean?

“Although we have a variety of projects in different areas, the needs here are still high. As a humanitarian organization, we cannot do much. We will not be able to solve all the problems in Syria, but we can plant many seeds of hope. We can start the process of change. If we change the life of one person, we give hope to everyone around them.

Programme Coordinator Jean-François Thierry (centre) and his team in Aleppo. Photo: Pro Terra Santia

“When I arrived in Aleppo, I visited the emergency kitchen. An elderly man there asked me, ‘Are you coming to help us?’ I looked around and saw this huge crowd of people. I thought, there is no way we can help everyone. I said, ‘I am here to stand by you in these difficult times.’ That is what is important. For people to know that others care about them. That they are not alone. We should not underestimate the power of solidarity.”

Cordaid's support for Pro Terra Sancta's earthquake response is funded by Giro555's national fundraising campaign in the Netherlands.




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