'Political earthquake' after TUV's Jim Allister ousts Paisley dynasty in North Antrim – The Irish Times
“There is no escaping the fact that a political earthquake of seismic proportions has occurred in North Antrim,” said newly elected TUC MP Jim Allister.
The 71-year-old has just achieved the impossible by dethroning the Paisley dynasty – undoubtedly the biggest shock of the UK general election in Northern Ireland.
What was seen as the safest seat for the DUP in Northern Ireland, at least until Friday morning, is no longer so.
The Paisley family has easily held the North Antrim seat at every UK general election since 1970, with Ian Paisley Jr taking over from his father, the former First Minister of Northern Ireland, in 2010.
A partial recount of the votes was called early on Friday morning, with subsequent whispers that Finland's student union leader and founder Mr Alister had beaten Mr Paisley.
Before then, the results were so certain that it was not at all safe for Mr. Paisley to bet on retaining the position he had held for the past fourteen years.
Shortly before the results were announced, a sea of media and public commotion could be seen following Mr Paisley as he quickly left the counting centre in Magherafelt, with some questioning whether he would return at all, although he did so shortly after the official announcement.
The results were in stark contrast to their previous encounter in 2010 when Mr Paisley returned with 19,672 votes, beating Mr Alister's 7,114.
To add insult to injury, Alistair's success comes even without the support of Nigel Farage.
Mr Farage, leader of the UK's Reform Party, has backed Mr Paisley, despite the Reform Party having an alliance with the TUC, because of similar values and positions, particularly on Brexit.
Speaking after the results were announced, Mr Paisley said the ups and downs of life were “getting higher and higher”.
“This is certainly not a script I would have written for tonight, as I think most of you will accept, but life is made up of many chapters,” he said.
Meanwhile, Mr Alistair said the result was an opportunity for North Antrim to take an alternative path, vowing never to lose focus on the issues that got him elected, namely “dividing our nation by a foreign border of the EU”.
Sources 2/ https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/2024/07/05/north-antrim-report-political-earthquake-as-tuvs-jim-allister-overthrows-paisley-dynasty/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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