'Anjuka Nayo' causes massive earthquake after station clerk arrested
Macharia Gaithu during a press conference at the IPOA offices in Upper Hill on July 17, 2024. [Kanyiri Wahito, Standard]
I wanted to write about the hit song “Anguka Nayo” that reverberated around the world, causing an earthquake in its wake, but another earthquake was reported when Musalia Mudavadi also known as MaDvD was appointed as the Cabinet Secretary General.
This means that the much-desired austerity measures are now firmly in place: instead of the 22 cabinet members who were sent home a week ago, we will now have one cabinet minister, MaDvD. This represents a huge saving, and I wanted to celebrate it, not only financially, but also because this appointment should dampen the noise created by the Generation Z protests.
But before I could begin my mission, another earthquake shook the country: a bearded man, who had previously worked as my manager, Macharia Gaithu, was kidnapped in broad daylight, as our people like to assert. This means that the attack was so brazen that these criminals made no effort to hide it.
What was even more astonishing was that he was abducted inside the premises of the Karen police station, where he had gone to report a suspicious car following him from his home. Within minutes, the news spread in all directions, not only because of the manner and location of the abduction, but also because of the identity of those involved.
The fact is that for anyone to assume that they would gain any intelligence by interrogating Gaithu, whom we used to call MG in the newsroom, because he writes what he thinks, would be a waste of time. And I would say that applies to most of the scribes with the soft beards.
Anyway, they say that intelligence must be gathered intelligently. What followed was – and I must confess that I choose my words very carefully – absolutely ridiculous.
I expected the government to speak with courage and conviction and say something along the lines of: “On instructions from the National Intelligence Service Bureau, our officers conducted an operation around the Karen area of Nairobi at 08.00 am with the intention of arresting a certain bearded man who writes very disturbing articles in the local press.
“The motive behind the operation was multi-dimensional: to intimidate the man and his ilk in the media, who operate as if they are above the law, to frighten potential copycats, and finally, to send a message to the media that none of them are above state retaliation.”
This kind of communication would leave no doubt that some thought went into planning and executing the kidnapping, and the government would come off as rude, but not stupid. Now, both terms apply.
The reason for this is that the narrative that portrays MJ's kidnapping as a case of mistaken identity assumes that the police officers would have treated him more harshly if he had been the real target.
Secondly, if the government considers a man in his 60s to be a Gen Z, it points to a more fundamental flaw in the quality of information being circulated, lending credence to comments made not long ago by Reggie Gachagua, also known as Reggie G. He said that the National Intelligence Service had no idea what was going on.
But I don’t trust this assessment from Reggie G. The other Gaythu, the supposed target of the arrest, is known for his pro-government posts on social media, so his loud targeting is a false flag operation that will only fool the NIS. Bori Kabissa.
Sources 2/ https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001499199/anguka-nayo-produces-massive-earthquake-as-a-scribe-nabbed-at-station The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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