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Foster + Partners and Buro Happold reveal details of plan to rebuild Antakya, Turkey, after earthquake

Foster + Partners and Buro Happold reveal details of plan to rebuild Antakya, Turkey, after earthquake
Foster + Partners and Buro Happold reveal details of plan to rebuild Antakya, Turkey, after earthquake


Foster + Partners has released its speculative plan for the reconstruction of Antakya, Turkey. The historic capital of Hatay province, located near the Mediterranean Sea, was hit by a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in February 2023.

The reconstruction of Hatay province began in October 2023. That month, a Turkish association called on international architects and planners to help with the rebuilding. Also at that time, Turkish activists and journalists reported that government corruption played a role in the catastrophic aftermath of the earthquake. Many of these dissidents were jailed, some sentenced to life in prison, Anadolu Agency reported.

The new Antakya master plan aims to preserve the city’s historic scale, façade rhythm and dense street configurations while adding much-needed housing and jobs for displaced people. The plan also aims to promote accessibility and inclusion, Foster + Partners said, while increasing the city’s resilience to future disaster scenarios.

New public space in Antakya (Courtesy of Foster + Partners)

Buro Happold, MIC-HUB, DB Architects and KEYM (Urban Renewal Center) are development partners in the master plan. The project is part of a larger project by the Turkish Design Council, a non-governmental organization, to accelerate reconstruction efforts. Turkey’s Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism are also involved.

Rebuilding Antioch

Antioch, formerly called Antioch, was founded in 307 BC by the ancient Greeks. Antioch eventually became one of the largest and most important cities along the Silk Road in the Roman, Byzantine, Sassanid, Abbasid and Mamluk empires. It was then ruled by the Ottoman Empire from 1517 until World War I. Around 1917, the French Mandate over Antioch began; this lasted until 1939 when Ataturk annexed the Hatay Vilayet in southeastern Turkey, and Antioch became Antioch.

Today, the 2023 earthquake destroyed more than 80 percent of Antakya. The city of 400,000 people, known for its Ottoman architecture, narrow streets and Byzantine art, now lies in ruins.

The Antakya reconstruction plan is based on eight basic design principles, the architects noted. First and foremost, all new buildings should be built on safe ground. That means no new buildings should be built near water basins in locations that could be at risk from rising water levels. To that end, Foster + Partners envisions green barriers and soft edges to create more space for water to run off.

The master plan aims to create new public spaces on the Asi River. (Courtesy of Foster + Partners)

The second principle is to improve traffic flow while respecting the existing historic street network. The master plan’s road network follows the existing pattern extending from Republic Square and adding new strategic connections that enhance walkability. Republic Square itself will be transformed into a pedestrian and public transport-only area, Foster + Partners said.

Third, open spaces along the Asi River and stream banks could be better connected to the city, creating more distributed and diverse options for people to enjoy. The master plan team hopes to realize new city parks, nature walks, community squares, playgrounds, and small parks throughout Antakya. A new park has also been proposed north of Atatürk Park with views of Habib Neccar, a biblical mountain range.

New public spaces will be created. (Courtesy of Foster + Partners)

Fourth, and perhaps most insightful, the master plan seeks to create 13 new districts in Antakya, each with its own community infrastructure. Remaining principles include maximizing quality of life and walkability in both the old and new Antakya districts.

Rebuilding trust?

The designers noted that engaging local stakeholders was crucial in the Antakya master plan process. This need is evident as many in Turkey today blame the government for poor construction that led to the collapse of many buildings during the 2023 earthquake.

Dr. Tayfun Kahraman, the former chairman of Turkey’s Chamber of Town Planning, who is now serving an 18-year prison sentence for his anti-corruption activism, described this distrust and neglect in an article he published in The International shortly after the earthquake.

New area in Antakya (Courtesy of Foster + Partners)

The master plan team worked with more than 1,000 people to develop the reconstruction program, said Furkan Demirci, chairman of the Turkish Design Council. Demirci added that he hopes the master plan can “set a new standard for post-disaster recovery that puts communities at the heart.”

“Our strategy is not a one-size-fits-all vision. It balances the historic spirit of the place with improvements and enhancements that will support a sustainable future for Antakya,” said Bruce Moser, head of urban design at Foster + Partners. “We developed a vision that is supported by the fact that post-disaster reconstruction is not just about buildings, it is about rebuilding communities, feelings of safety and belonging, and rebuilding trust.”




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