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British architects unveil master plan to rebuild earthquake-damaged Turkish city

British architects unveil master plan to rebuild earthquake-damaged Turkish city
British architects unveil master plan to rebuild earthquake-damaged Turkish city


The city of Antakya in southeastern Turkey was devastated by an earthquake – and plans to rebuild it are centred around green spaces, connectivity and resilience.


About 80 percent of the historic city of Antakya was destroyed in a 7.8-magnitude earthquake in February 2023, according to British architecture studio Foster + Partners.

The company has now revealed its vision for rebuilding the city.

In addition to being the provincial capital of Hatay Province, Antakya is steeped in history and was known in Roman and medieval times as Antioch, one of the most important cities of antiquity.

The proposal, by Foster + Partners – in collaboration with Dutch engineering consultancy Buro Happold, Italian transport planner Mec-Hub, Turkish practices DB Architects and KEYM Urban Renewal Centre – covers an area of ​​30 square kilometres and aims to encourage displaced people to return to the city.

Embracing the region’s unique local character and climate was also a key principle. “A big part of the process was understanding Hatay’s rich history and incorporating it into the vision,” Foster + Partners said in a statement.

The plans are part of a broader initiative by the Turkish Design Council to rebuild Turkey after the earthquake that devastated several cities and killed more than 50,000 people (also in Syria).

The new designs preserve existing structures, promote accessibility and inclusion, and encourage the use of public transportation, walking, and cycling—as well as enhancing the city’s resilience to potential future disasters. This last goal includes creating green areas around flood-prone areas to provide more space for water to run off, while also creating much-needed outdoor community spaces.

Since many people blame the government for poor-quality construction work that exacerbated the extent of the destruction during the earthquake, the designers made special efforts to communicate with local residents in the process.

“We were inspired by the resilience of the people of Antakya, and share their passion for their unique historic city,” said Bruno Moser, Senior Partner and Head of Urban Design at Foster + Partners.

“We developed a vision based on the fact that post-disaster reconstruction is not just about buildings, it is also about rebuilding communities, feelings of safety and belonging, and rebuilding trust.”




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