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Image of 2001 El Salvador earthquake widely circulated as Wayanad landslide

Image of 2001 El Salvador earthquake widely circulated as Wayanad landslide
Image of 2001 El Salvador earthquake widely circulated as Wayanad landslide


Kushil HM is a mechanical engineer turned journalist who loves all things football, tennis and movies. He worked in the news department of Hindustan Times in Mumbai, before joining Newschecker.

Pankaj Menon is a Delhi-based fact-checker who enjoys digital investigation and debunking misinformation. He has completed his Masters in International Relations from the University of Madras and has worked with organizations like NDTV, Times Now, and Deccan Chronicle online in the past.

A view of Mundakai village after more than 200 people were killed in massive landslides that hit the hilly areas near Meppadi in Wayanad, Kerala, on Tuesday (July 30).

You can see the archived version of the tweet here.

Newschecker did a reverse image search, which led us to this image from Wikimedia Commons, which states that it shows the landslide that occurred during the 2001 El Salvador earthquake.

Further research led us to the same image in a NASA report on the world's natural disaster hotspots, dated February 2006. “A landslide triggered by the 2001 El Salvador earthquake, located in a neighborhood near Santa Tecla, El Salvador, buried several homes under tons of earth. The Hot Spots report identified El Salvador as being at high risk for landslides, earthquakes, flooding and hurricanes,” read the image caption. Similar articles can be found here and here , confirming that the viral image is not related to the July 2024 landslide in Wayanad, Kerala.

“For example, during the January 13, 2001 earthquake in El Salvador, the collapse of Las Colinas killed more than 500 people, nearly two-thirds of the earthquake-related casualties,” reads an article in the Encyclopedia of the Environment, dated January 15, 2021, referring to the same image.

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Result: Error

SourcesWikimedia CommonsNASA report, February 13, 2006

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Kushil HM is a mechanical engineer turned journalist who loves all things football, tennis and movies. He worked in the news department of Hindustan Times in Mumbai, before joining Newschecker.

Pankaj Menon is a Delhi-based fact-checker who enjoys digital investigation and debunking misinformation. He has completed his Masters in International Relations from the University of Madras and has worked with organizations like NDTV, Times Now, and Deccan Chronicle online in the past.




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