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Antioch Reconstruction Project After 2023 Earthquake According to Foster Partners

Antioch Reconstruction Project After 2023 Earthquake According to Foster Partners


A Turkish city hit by a powerful earthquake has been designed by architects to respect history. The project to rebuild Antioch has been selected in an international architectural competition.

An earthquake struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023. Its massive force left hundreds of thousands of people homeless. A few weeks later, on February 20, another 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck with its epicenter in Antakya. Aftershocks caused buildings that had been damaged earlier in the month to collapse.

The concept for the reconstruction of Antioch was prepared by architects Foster Partners in collaboration with Buro Happold, MIC-HUB and Turkish offices DB Architects and KEYM Urban Renewal Centre. The competition was organized by the non-governmental organization Türkiye Design Council.

The design covered an area of ​​30 square kilometers. Up to 80 percent of the city was destroyed, so rapid reconstruction is essential. The master plan aims to preserve the city’s precious historical spirit and ensure its original features are restored. The rebuilt city is set to retain its local character and atmosphere. This is important so that its residents feel at home.

The architects noted the need to preserve the historic streets, road network and building volumes. In addition, the new buildings will be constructed with technology that will make them more resilient to future earthquakes.

The rebuilt city will be prepared to face the challenges of the future, so more green spaces have been introduced, and special green belts have been designed to improve water management and prevent potential flooding. The city aims to be friendly to residents, so the street network is complemented by walkways that will only be used by pedestrians or public transport vehicles. Pedestrian areas and planned squares aim to integrate residents, strengthen ties between them and encourage them to spend time together. The banks of the Orontes River will be transformed into a linear park.

The new road networks largely follow the patterns, maintaining the main roads extending from the Republic of Meidam.

In total, the concept envisions thirteen new neighborhoods. These will function as small, independent cities. Each neighborhood will be surrounded by a network of roads, with shopping and service streets in the central parts. The illustrations also show the amount of new green space proposed. Residents are set to have nearby squares and parks.

It is important that the architects from Foster Partners are careful to treat each residential building individually. They will not allow the construction of residential properties that contain imitation buildings; they are keen to preserve the diversity of the city.

When will the work start? We do not yet know the exact date. Given the scale of the project, we can assume that the reconstruction process will be divided into several stages and may take up to twelve years.

Project: Foster Partners

Read also: Türkiye | City | Urban Planning | Real Estate | Family Home | Renovation | whiteMAD on Instagram




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