Cryptocurrencies are bracing for a massive earthquake in BlackRock and Wall Street ETFs after Bitcoin crashes to $60,000, a leak has revealed.

Bitcoin has been on the rise again this year, returning to the spotlight thanks to its long-awaited adoption by Wall Street and Donald Trump's willingness to drop a Bitcoin bombshell.
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Bitcoin surpassed its all-time high in 2021 in March, but has since been trending lower, falling below $60,000 per bitcoin on Saturday, as fears grow of a major stock market crash and devastating recession in the United States, with the FBI issuing a dire warning about cryptocurrencies.
Now, after Shark Tank billionaire Mark Cuban made a “crazy” prediction about Bitcoin’s price, a leak has revealed that Wall Street giant Morgan Stanley is preparing to trigger a Bitcoin ETF earthquake.
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Forbes warns of 'malicious spiral' after Donald Trump proposes 'massive, radical' plan to pay off $35 trillion in US national debt By Billy Bambrough
BlackRock and its crypto-turned CEO Larry Fink are among the main reasons behind Bitcoin's surge… [+] This year's rebound – with another earthquake on the doorstep after Bitcoin crashed to $60,000.
AFP via Getty Images
Morgan Stanley will this week allow its team of 15,000 financial advisers to offer bitcoin exchange-traded funds to some clients, CNBC reported, citing a leak from two anonymous sources.
However, Morgan Stanley has imposed a $1.5 million net worth cap, a stated desire to make speculative investments and take aggressive risks regarding who it can market its bitcoin ETFs to, according to CNBC sources. It will also only offer the two largest new bitcoin ETFs from BlackRock and Fidelity.
Despite the huge success of the Bitcoin ETFs that debuted on Wall Street in January, banks including Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo have all refrained from offering them to clients.
Earlier this year, unconfirmed reports suggested that Morgan Stanley wanted to “be the first investment firm to fully approve a bitcoin ETF,” while the chief investment officer of ETF issuer Bitwise predicted that the ETFs opening up to retail investors, hedge funds, and independent financial advisors would lead to a “bigger” wave hitting the bitcoin price than the January ETF approvals.
Bitcoin exchange-traded funds have surged to $57.2 billion in total net assets since their launch in January, according to data from SoSoValue, with net inflows of $17.5 billion. BlackRock’s IBIT fund now exceeds $21.5 billion in net assets, making it one of the fastest-growing ETFs on Wall Street ever.
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink admitted last month that he was wrong about Bitcoin and called it a “legitimate” financial instrument after calling Bitcoin an “indicator for money laundering” in 2017.
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Forbes: ‘This is Huge’ – Billionaire Mark Cuban Makes ‘Amazing’ Prediction About Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies Amid Price Collapse By Billy Bambrough
Bitcoin's price surge this year has been driven by huge interest in a fleet of new spot bitcoins… [+] Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), led by BlackRock's IBIT Spot Bitcoin Fund.
Forbes Digital Assets
Traders are currently facing reduced liquidity in the market, as Bitcoin price struggles to maintain the momentum it built in the first half of 2024.
“We are seeing a lack of liquidity across many assets, and ‘summer’ could be one of the reasons behind that,” Jag Conner, head of derivatives at Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex, said in emailed comments.
“We are currently seeing large buy walls building at lower levels on many altcoins, and we also expect Bitcoin to range between $61k to $70k, which will provide an accumulation area.”
Sources 2/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/08/04/leak-reveals-crypto-is-braced-for-a-huge-blackrock-and-wall-street-etf-earthquake-after-60000-bitcoin-price-crash/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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