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Bed Designed to Protect You During Earthquake Is Scaring People

Bed Designed to Protect You During Earthquake Is Scaring People


People were horrified after seeing a video of a bed designed to protect people from earthquakes.

There are many measures that can be taken to reduce the risk in the event of an earthquake.

For example, buildings can be constructed in a way that reduces the chance of them collapsing.

You can also hide under a desk or table to reduce the risk of debris hitting you.

Of course, when it comes to something like an earthquake, there's not much you can do, and if the earthquake is strong enough, then all bets are off.

But it seems that one person has come up with a “creative” way, as he put it, to try to protect people in case their homes are hit by a shell.

If the reaction of everyone who has watched a clip of it is anything to go by, it's clear that the “solution” actually creates more problems than it solves.

So what is this strange security technology to combat earthquakes?

I give you – an anti-earthquake bed.

It may look like a regular bed, but in the event of seismic activity, the bed will open and instantly pull its occupant into a protective box.

When seen in action, the bed captures unfortunate people whether they are awake or asleep.

Once the person is inside, they are protected from any falling debris, and rescuers can find them more easily.

Please make sure to sleep with your arms and legs inside the earthquake bed. (Reddit /u/indexcap)

It also contains enough supplies of water and oxygen to keep you going, hopefully long enough until you are found.

There is also a TV screen inside to keep you entertained.

At least, that's how it's supposed to work in theory – in reality, many people saw it not as a lifesaver but as their own personal robotic coffin.

Try to sleep only in the middle of your bed. (Reddit /u/indexcap)

People took to social media platform Reddit to share their thoughts on the disturbing invention.

One wrote: “How are you going to get out when you're buried under tons and tons of rubble? This is just a fancy coffin.”

Another commented: “This is exactly where I want to be during an earthquake, stuck in a metal box under tons of debris.”

Another person took it upon themselves to say what many of you may be thinking, writing: “I can imagine a poor couple having really aggressive sex, and suddenly the bed eats them up.”

Not ideal, especially considering that your water and air supply will last less than half as long.

Another person simply posted: “The grave is designed to hold your body in case of an earthquake.”




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