Foster + Partners unveils master plan to revive Türkiye’s earthquake-hit Hatay region

Master plan of Hatay Antakya city. Image © Foster + Partners
As part of a broader design-led revitalization process, the Design Council of Turkey has announced a new urban plan to revitalize Antakya and the wider Hatay province in Turkey, an area severely affected by the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria on February 6, 2023. The master plan has been developed by Foster + Partners, Buro Happold and MIC-HUB, alongside Turkish practices DB Architects and KEYM Urban Renewal Centre. The plan covers 30 square kilometers of Antakya, the capital of Hatay and an important ancient urban center known as Antakya. Eight design principles have been identified to guide the rebuilding effort in an effort to preserve the spirit of the city, which suffered an estimated 80 percent severe damage.
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The master plan aims to enhance the pre-earthquake characteristics of the area in terms of scale, relationships and configurations. Accessibility and inclusion are to be improved through the introduction of additional green and open spaces, efficient transportation systems and community centers. The design process is also rooted in efforts to understand and incorporate Hatay’s rich history into the vision.
Master plan of Hatay Antakya city. Image © Foster + Partners
In October 2023, the Design Council of Turkey commissioned over 30 international and local experts in various fields to help rebuild Hatay. Internationally recognized firms such as Foster + Partners and Bjarke Ingels Group have contributed, alongside local practices. The city of Antakya is one of the central initiatives of the program, where damage has led to an urgent need for renewal. In addition to its modern features, the area is also the site of two important ancient cities, Seleucia Pieria and Antiochia, making the region a “mosaic of historical archaeological and religious features.” The revitalization plans seek to preserve these sites and restore key historical and religious sites while improving the city’s resilience, connectivity, and social and environmental well-being.
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We have been inspired by the resilience of the people of Antakya, and share their passion for their unique historic city. Our strategy is not a one-size-fits-all vision. It balances the historic spirit of the place with improvements and enhancements that will support a sustainable future for Antakya. We have developed a vision underpinned by the fact that post-disaster reconstruction is not just about buildings, it is about rebuilding communities, feelings of safety and belonging, and rebuilding trust. – Bruno Moser, Senior Partner, Head of Urban Design, Foster + Partners
Hatay Antakya City Master Plan. Image © Foster + Partners Master Plan Design Principles
Foster + Partners’ Antakya master plan outlines eight key design principles to guide the reconstruction effort. The first, “Build on Safe Land,” identifies buildable areas by defining protected zones around watersheds and adding green buffers and soft edges to manage runoff. The second, “Improving Circulation,” expands existing road networks to improve connectivity across the land, introducing pedestrian zones and areas dedicated to public transit only. “Improving Open Space” refers to more evenly distributing open space to improve the urban experience and increase green space per capita. The fourth, “Creating New Areas,” sees the introduction of thirteen new areas, each well-connected and organized into neighborhoods and clusters.
Hatay Antakya city master plan. Image © Foster + PartnersHatay Antakya city master plan. Image © Foster + Partners
The fifth principle aims to “stratify neighborhoods” in order to create large residential neighborhoods with integrated circulation systems, parking, and conditions for smooth movement and public transportation, thus creating a network that allows the preservation of the urban and architectural diversity of the city. “Enhancing connectivity within neighborhoods” refers to the introduction of social infrastructure, including schools, community parks, libraries and cultural centers, along community roads. “Enhancing connectivity across the city” leads to the creation of an efficient bus transit system with multimodal hubs at major intersections. Last but not least, the eighth principle of “Rebuilding” refers to the goal of redistributing urban density to create more compact areas and prevent the development of urban sprawl. Carefully selected building patterns will restore the character of streets and help communities rebuild social dynamics.
A wider priority area in Hatay. Image courtesy of Turkish Design Council
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