Japan issues first 'major quake' warning after strong quake off southern coast

An earthquake off the coast of Japan's southern island of Kyushu has prompted the government to issue its first-ever warning of a major quake from an undersea trough extending along a stretch of the country's coast.
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida canceled a planned trip to Central Asia out of caution after the warning. Bullet trains were running at low speeds, NHK broadcast warning graphics, and some semiconductor factories temporarily halted production. Some beaches in affected areas are currently closed, according to local reports.
The devastation caused by a massive earthquake in an area known as the Nankai Trough could exceed that caused by the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated the northern coast of the main island of Honshu. The area, where the Philippine Marine Plate dives beneath the Eurasian continental plate, experiences major earthquakes every 100 to 150 years.
The precautionary earthquake warning system, implemented in 2019, kicks in when an earthquake of magnitude 6.8 or greater strikes an area where tsunami waves are expected, or when anomalous plate shifts are detected. Depending on the magnitude of the earthquake at the time, authorities can issue varying levels of alert, in some cases warning people to evacuate tsunami-prone areas for up to a week.
“This is advice to prepare for the possibility of major earthquakes continuing. It is not an advance evacuation warning or a notice of an earthquake within a certain period, but it is the first time, so I think people will be very concerned,” Kishida told reporters in Nagasaki, where he was attending a ceremony marking the 79th anniversary of the atomic bombing.
Several injuries and limited damage were reported from the 7.1-magnitude quake that struck off the coast of Kyushu on Thursday. The island is home to Sony Group Corp.’s semiconductor plants. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., which has opened a plant there, plans to open a second later this year and is considering a third.
NHK interrupted Olympic coverage to report on the quake and warn of a subsequent massive quake, and continued to run news bulletins on Friday. A 2019 analysis by a government panel estimated that more than 230,000 deaths could occur in a worst-case scenario from a Nankai Trough quake.
Large earthquakes have followed smaller ones before. The tremors began two days before the 2011 magnitude 9.0 quake, the strongest quake ever recorded in Japan. The resulting quake and tsunami killed nearly 20,000 people and caused a nuclear meltdown and radiation leak at a nuclear facility in Fukushima.
Central Japan Railway Co. said its bullet trains were running slowly between Tokyo and western Japan until the warning was lifted. Japan’s regulator said it had issued alerts to all nuclear power plants in the country to take precautions. Electronic components maker Kyocera Corp. said some equipment was damaged at a plant in Kagoshima.
Local governments and businesses heeded warnings issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency on Thursday. Stocks closed slightly higher today and the yen was little changed at around 147 yen to the dollar.
Chipmaker Rohm Co. has temporarily halted operations in Miyazaki Prefecture on Kyushu and said safety checks were underway, a spokesman said. Sumco Corp., a maker of silicon wafers needed to make chips, has halted operations at its plant in Miyazaki, a representative said.
Companies may take the opportunity to cancel their business continuity plans after an alert, or conduct disaster drills, said Hiroaki Maruya, a professor at the International Research Institute for Disaster Science.
“NHK covered this event, so they might take action,” Maruya said.
Suntory Holdings Co., Suzuki Motor Corp. and other companies said they were conducting checks and were on alert for further developments.
Kyushu Regional Electric Power Co. said it has set up a working group to organize communications with its power plants. A company spokesman said its nuclear power plants — the Genkai Nuclear Power Plant in Saga Prefecture and the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima Prefecture — were designed with the Nankai Basin earthquake in mind.
Chubu Electric Power Co., a utility covering central Japan, said it has set up a network to boost communications between headquarters and branch offices, according to a company spokesman.
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Sources 2/ https://fortune.com/asia/2024/08/09/japan-issues-first-megaquake-warning-powerful-earthquake-southern-coast/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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