Swiss homeowners 'must contribute to earthquake insurance'

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The Swiss government wants homeowners to bear a maximum of 0.7% of the cost of building insurance against damage caused by severe earthquakes.
This content was published on August 21, 2024 – 15:43
The federal government intends to have a plan in place by the end of 2024.
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This would provide around 22 billion Swiss francs to cover damage in the event of an earthquake, the Federal Council wrote on Wednesday.
+ How to protect people from landslides in Switzerland
The proposal to oblige landowners to contribute to the costs of covering damage to buildings in the event of an earthquake was met with outright rejection by the Swiss People's Party, the housing association and the insurance association during the consultation process.
The majority of cantons, as well as insurance companies for buildings, vegetables and mountain areas, took a completely different view.
Earthquake Service reports 4.4 magnitude earthquake in central Switzerland
This content was published on June 4, 2024 The earthquake was likely to be felt throughout Switzerland, according to the Swiss Seismic Service of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
Read more: Earthquake service reports 4.4 magnitude earthquake in central Switzerland
However, the Federal Council intends to refrain from including in the Constitution an additional federal competence to protect people and property in the event of an earthquake, it has also announced.
Several cantons had previously spoken out against a new federal mandate for earthquake prevention.
Translated from German by DeepL/mga
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