Tourists warned of possible strong earthquake in popular holiday spot Bali

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Tourists planning to visit Bali are warned that a strong earthquake could hit the island at any time.
Officials from the Center for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics say that while the public should remain calm and go about normal activities, the possibility of a devastating earthquake poses a very real threat.
The Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency confirmed that the country may be exposed to a very strong earthquake that would originate in the Nanaki seismic gap off the eastern coast of Japan, in the regions of Kyushu, Kinki and Shikoku.
“If a major earthquake occurs in the Nankai Islands and causes a tsunami, we need to be vigilant, as a major tsunami in Japan could reach Indonesian territory,” the head of the earthquake and tsunami center at Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency told reporters.
A map of the potential impact of such an earthquake shows that the Indonesian provinces that would be most affected would be Bali and Aceh, the northernmost region of Indonesia.
The 2004 tsunami devastated large parts of northern Aceh, and also affected many tourist resorts in southern Thailand.
Historical data indicate that the earthquake source area directly affecting Bali is capable of experiencing catastrophic earthquakes, especially those with a magnitude greater than 8.0, every century or two. Japanese scientists have stated that the Nankai Basin is capable of generating an earthquake of magnitude 9.1 if the fault edges slip simultaneously.
The Nankai Trough is a deep sea trench 800 kilometers long that extends across Shizuoka, which lies west of Tokyo, and the island of Kyushu.
@landuse.id Megathrust could trigger major earthquakes in Java and Sumatra. 🌍 The head of the Earthquake and Tsunami Center BMKG, Daryono, previously issued a statement saying that an earthquake with two major thrusts in Indonesia was just a matter of time. ⏳ The Mentawai-Sibirut megathrust zone along the western border of Sumatra Island could trigger earthquakes with a magnitude of up to 8.9. Meanwhile, the Sunda Strait megathrust zone is expected to trigger a strong earthquake with a magnitude of 8.7. 🌋 So Min @tribunnews to use his voice #megathrust #gempa #gempabumi #bencana #bencanaalam #jawa #sumatera ♬ Original sound – Landuse.id
These predictions and concerns made headlines after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Miyazaki on August 8, 2024.
Although the Japanese government has not reported major damage, meaning there has been no damage to vital infrastructure, including nuclear power plants, homes were destroyed by the quake, and local communities will face months of clean-up work.
A major earthquake in the Sunda Strait and Mentawai-Soprot is “only a matter of time,” Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency told reporters.
However, the head of the Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics Agency in Bali, Cahyu Nugroho, said that this does not necessarily mean that an earthquake will strike in the near future.
“We hope this will not be misinterpreted as if it will happen in the near future,” Nugroho told reporters.
He added, “So far, there is no science or technology that can accurately and correctly predict earthquakes.”
He stressed that the risk of a strong earthquake hitting Bali has existed for centuries, and that the latest updates do not include anything that would change the way Balinese residents and tourists conduct their daily activities.
“The possibility of an earthquake in the megathrust area of the Sunda Strait and Mentawai-Siberut is not new; it existed even before the Aceh earthquake and tsunami in 2004,” he told reporters.
Nugroho assured tourists that it was still safe to visit Bali's beaches and major tourist resorts. “If people feel a strong earthquake that lasts for a long time, they should leave their homes immediately and stay away from the beach,” he concluded.
Throughout Bali, there are tsunami evacuation routes and tsunami shelters along the southern coast. All major hotels and resorts will have earthquake and tsunami protocols in place, and for those concerned about the potential risks, hotel staff will always be happy to review the protocols with guests so they feel better informed about what to do in the event of an earthquake.
In 2023, the CEO of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Made Rentin, stressed that he called on the authorities to increase investment in disaster management resources in Bali, especially for earthquake and tsunami management.
“We still need to improve the early warning system we already have. Bali’s area is 0.26% of Indonesia’s total area. Ideally, 41 tsunami warning points should be installed,” Renten explained. As of June 2023, nine tsunami sirens have been placed along the southern coast of Bali.
Sources 2/ https://thebalisun.com/tourists-warned-of-potential-for-megathrust-earthquake-in-balis-vacation-hotspots/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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