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Australia Live News: Windows shattered, chimney collapses in NSW quake; New Zealand suspends Australian tomato imports | Australian Politics

Australia Live News: Windows shattered, chimney collapses in NSW quake; New Zealand suspends Australian tomato imports | Australian Politics
Australia Live News: Windows shattered, chimney collapses in NSW quake; New Zealand suspends Australian tomato imports | Australian Politics


Reports of windows and chimneys collapsing after the earthquake

The State Emergency Service received 21 calls reporting minor damage to infrastructure, following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake near Muswellbrook just after noon.

A company spokesman said windows were broken at a building in Muswellbrook, and there were reports of a chimney falling from a residence in Maitland.

Environmental Services is proactively engaging with dam owners in the Hunter Region to ensure dam safety.

At this stage, there are no reports of major damage or injuries to infrastructure.


Updated 24.06 EST

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Thousands still without power near quake epicenter

We reported earlier that around 2,500 people near Muswellbrook were without power after today's earthquake.

According to Ausgrid's outage map, power has not yet been restored to customers in Muswellbrook, Denman, Jerrys Plains, Bureen and Bengalla.

Power was previously expected to be restored by this afternoon, but the website now says: “Assessment underway – restoration time will come.”


'That was epic': Computer store posts photo of shelves after quake

Lavis Mitre 10 hardware store in Muswellbrook, near the epicentre of today's earthquake in NSW, was hit by a strong tremor today.

She posted a photo of her shelves after a 4.8 magnitude earthquake just after noon, and said:

Well, that was great, wasn't it?! We hope everyone in the community is doing well!

Lavis Mitra 10 Muswellbrook after the earthquake struck Denman, NSW. Photo: Facebook/Mitra 10 Muswellbrook

Updated at 24:49 EST

New Zealand suspends Australian tomato imports

New Zealand's Biosecurity Authority has temporarily suspended all Australian tomato imports after brown fruit curl virus was detected on two South Australian farms earlier this week.

New Zealand's deputy director-general of biosecurity, Stuart Anderson, said in a statement:

This afternoon we met with our counterparts in Australia, who gave us an update on their work in responding to the discovery of the tomato virus.

Australia is taking steps to respond to this issue, including continuing to trace the material. As traceability continues, and out of an abundance of caution, we are extending the restrictions by temporarily suspending imports of tomatoes from Australia. We will review this within seven days.

This means that the temporary suspension of tomato imports from all Australian states is now in effect.

Anderson said tracking has not yet shown any contaminants in Queensland.

The virus causes yellowing and deformities in host plants, but has no effect on human health.


Updated at 24:42 EST

Australia to lead Red Sea protection task force

Australia will for the first time take on an international mission to protect shipping lanes in the Red Sea, the Australian Associated Press reported.

The Department of Defence announced today that Australia will assume command of Combined Task Force 153 (CTF 153) from October for a period of six months.

Combined Task Force 153 was established in April 2022 and focuses on maritime security in the Red Sea, Bab el-Mandeb and Gulf of Aden. The Albanian government was heavily criticized last year by security experts for rejecting a US request to deploy a warship to protect maritime security in the Middle East.

The Australian Defence Force said Australia would maintain its contribution to the Combined Maritime Force, which was strengthened last December in response to Houthi attacks.

Vice Admiral Justin Jones: “We proudly work alongside 44 other member nations in the Combined Maritime Force.” Picture: Trevor Collins/AAP

The commander of the Joint Operations, Vice Admiral Justin Jones, said the role demonstrated the nation's commitment to international rules.

The Australian Defence Force’s command of Combined Task Force 153 is a significant milestone in our commitment to maritime safety and security.

We are proud to work alongside 44 other member nations in the Combined Maritime Force to support freedom of navigation, free, fair and open trade, and the rules-based international order.


Updated at 24:43 EST

Natasha May

More about the concerns of senior medical and legal bodies about youth justice reform

Continuing from our last post: Law Council President Greg McIntyre said it was unacceptable that Australia had one of the lowest ages of criminal responsibility in the world and that the rates of incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were a national disgrace.

Governments must take meaningful steps towards raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility to ensure all children in Australia have the best start in life with equal opportunities to grow and thrive.

The Australian Medical Association and the Law Council said in their statement that they were concerned about the increasing politicisation of youth justice reform, and that the “tough on youth crime” stance in states and territories needed to be reframed to one informed by available evidence and human rights, with a focus on children’s health and emotional wellbeing and supporting alternatives to custody.

Measures aimed at diverting children in conflict with the law away from the criminal justice system have been shown to be more effective in keeping communities safe by reducing the chances of reoffending.


Updated at 24:29 EST

Doctors, lawyers concerned about politicization of youth justice reform Natasha May

Leading bodies for doctors and lawyers say they are concerned about the increasing politicisation of juvenile justice reform, including moves to roll back existing commitments to raise the age of criminal responsibility in some jurisdictions.

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) and the Law Council of Australia today issued a joint statement supporting the National Children’s Commissioner’s recommendation to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility, after Commissioner Anne Hollands released a landmark report on Tuesday:

Submissions made by the American Medical Association and the Law Council during consultation on the report called for raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 in all jurisdictions, better reinvestment in justice, and support for diversion and community-based support programs for youth.

American Medical Association President Professor Steve Robson said prison should not be a rite of passage for any child.

The medical evidence is clear. Prison harms children mentally and affects their physical development. Most children in prison come from disadvantaged backgrounds. These children are often exposed to violence, abuse, disability, homelessness, and drug or alcohol misuse.

'Prison is bad for kids': AMA President Stephen Robson Photo: Lucas Koch/Australian Press

More will come in a moment.


Updated at 24:26 EST

Power outage after earthquake in Mswellbrook

According to Ausgrid's current blackout plan, around 2,500 customers were left without power following the earthquake near Muswellbrook.

The outage is affecting 2,506 customers in Muswellbrook, Denman, Jerrys Plains, Buren and Bengalla. The outage has been classified as a minor outage.


Updated 24.08 EST

Reports of windows and chimneys collapsing after the earthquake

The State Emergency Service received 21 calls reporting minor damage to infrastructure, following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake near Muswellbrook just after noon.

A company spokesman said windows were broken at a building in Muswellbrook, and there were reports of a chimney falling from a residence in Maitland.

Environmental Services is proactively engaging with dam owners in the Hunter Region to ensure dam safety.

At this stage, there are no reports of major damage or injuries to infrastructure.


Updated 24.06 EST

SES responds to reports of minor damage after earthquake

NSW Police said emergency services received “multiple reports” of an earthquake near Muswellbrook shortly after 12pm.

Police said state emergency service crews were responding to reports of minor damage to infrastructure, but there were no reports of major damage to infrastructure or buildings, and no reports of injuries.

Dam owners in the area are urged to ensure that the safety of the dam is not affected. Any damage or injuries should be reported to the appropriate local authorities.


Updated at 23:52 EST

Over 2,500 'felt reports' have been registered with Geoscience Australia.

No injuries have been reported following the 4.8 magnitude earthquake near Muswellbrook, the New South Wales Rural Fire Service said.

Over 2,500 'sensible reports' have now been registered with the Australian Geoscience Agency.

Did anyone feel the quake? Geoscience Australia has recorded a magnitude 5.0 earthquake near Muswellbrook, northwest of Newcastle. No injuries have been reported, but if you need help in a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

— NSW RFS (@NSWRFS) August 23, 2024Share

Updated at 23:49 EST

One social media user in Scown, north of Muswellbrook in New South Wales, said the earthquake earlier today had caused their walls to crack:

They wrote:

Well, that was the first time I felt a real earthquake!! The house shook and the walls cracked. It was so scary! Honestly, the noise was insane.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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