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4.8 magnitude earthquake hits large parts of New South Wales

4.8 magnitude earthquake hits large parts of New South Wales


A 4.8-magnitude earthquake has struck New South Wales, cracking windows, cutting power and forcing some schools to evacuate.

The quake – initially measured at magnitude 5.0 – struck just before midday near Muswellbrook in the Upper Hunter Valley, 250 kilometres northwest of Sydney.

The Australian Geoscience Service said more than 2,500 people felt the quake, with reports from as far away as Coffs Harbour, Sydney and Canberra.

Most of the reports were concentrated in the Hunter Valley, said Hadi Ghasemi, a senior seismologist at the Australian Geoscience Agency.

“We've had a report of some items falling off shelves and stuff like that, and the screen door falling off,” he said.

“In areas closer to the epicenter, we get, as you know, moderate to mild ground shaking.”

The quake shook parts of buildings. (ABC Newcastle: Jesmin Cheung)

NSW Emergency Services Northern Region Deputy Commander Peter Keegan said crews responded to reports of minor damage to infrastructure after receiving 11 calls.

“There were a number of reports of damage in the Muswellbrook area – broken windows, a damaged chimney in the Maitland area,” he said.

“We have received no reports of injuries at all, just a few reports of minor damage in the Upper Hunter area.”

This chimney was destroyed at Mswellbrook. (Attached)

New South Wales Police confirmed in a statement that the damage was limited but urged dam owners to check for any structural problems.

“We urge dam owners in the area to ensure that the integrity of the dam is not compromised,” police said.

The epicentre of the earthquake was located near BHP's Mount Arthur coal mine, which contains a large tailings dam.

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has contacted both BHP and the NSW Dam Safety Commission for comment.

Ausgrid Electricity said the quake had left more than 2,500 customers without power in Muswellbrook, Denman, Jerrys Plains, Burren and Bangalore.

“I didn't want to move.”

Residents reported on social media that their homes were shaking, furniture was moving, and windows were rattling.

Beryl Harten, from Muswellbrook, was among them and said she was too scared to move.

“There was an explosion and the whole house fell down with the front facade because of the air conditioner,” she said.

“I wasn't ready to move because I didn't know what else was going to fall.

“My legs are still like jelly, and I have a neighbor here who looks just like me.

“It was a bit scary, actually, but I knew right away it was an earthquake.”

The earthquake shook bricks from the walls of buildings in Muswellbrook. (Photo: Tom Alsleben)

Tom Alsleben was at work at the Royal Hotel in Muswellbrook when the earthquake struck.

“I was in the bar making some coffee for the kitchen staff and then we thought maybe there was a truck crashing into the building,” he said.

“Everyone was shocked by this, but they came out and made sure everyone was safe… There's not much damage at the moment.

“We've now had two or three phone calls asking if the place is still open.”

Buildings near the epicentre of the quake suffered minor damage. (ABC Newcastle: Jesmin Cheung)

Brooklyn Nicholson, who lives in a residential tower in Forster on the Mid North Coast, said the complex shook.

“I said to myself, 'Am I feeling like an earthquake now?'” she said.

Jenny Forner was at the Gunnedah Conservatory of Music in Gunnedah Town Hall and also had a severe scare.

“I thought the whole building was going to collapse around me,” she said.

“It's an old building, so you could see the cracks in the wall shaking.

“I ran to see if anyone else felt it and no one else felt it, and I thought I might have gone crazy.”

The Australian Geoscience Agency said thousands of people reported feeling the tremor.

Police and the New South Wales Department of Health say there are no reports of injuries.

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