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Magnitude 4.8 earthquake hits NSW, felt as far away as Canberra | New South Wales

Magnitude 4.8 earthquake hits NSW, felt as far away as Canberra | New South Wales
Magnitude 4.8 earthquake hits NSW, felt as far away as Canberra | New South Wales


A 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck New South Wales, shattering windows and knocking down chimneys.

The quake, which has been downgraded from 5.0 on the Richter scale, struck Denman, 120 kilometres northwest of Newcastle in the Upper Hunter region. The quake struck at 12.02pm on Friday at a depth of 10 kilometres and is the largest to hit the area in 20 years.

More than 2,000 people reported feeling the tremors, including some more than 200 kilometres away in Sydney. People also reported feeling the tremors as far away as Canberra in the south, as far north as Armidale and as far west as Dubbo.

NSW Police said the state's emergency services responded to reports of minor damage to infrastructure, but there were no reports of major damage to infrastructure or buildings.

The emergency services received 21 calls reporting minor damage to infrastructure within two hours of the quake. A spokesman said windows were broken at a building in Muswellbrook and there were reports of a chimney falling from a residence in Maitland.

Environmental Services is liaising with dam owners in the Hunter region to ensure the safety of their dams.

According to the Geoscience Australia map, the earthquake was felt most strongly about 20 minutes' drive from Denman, around Muswellbrook.

A woman in Muswellbrook said she felt multiple electric shocks around midday.

“There were two” [and it was] “It wasn't just an earthquake, it was a massive earthquake,” she told Sydney radio station 2GB.

The whole house shook, then about half a minute later, it shook again.

“I actually thought it was my new cat who dropped some stuff.”

A resident of Scawen, a 45-minute drive from Denman, wrote on social media that the tremors had caused walls to crack.

Another man in the Cranebrook area of ​​western Sydney, more than three hours' drive away, felt multiple shocks but said the quake was “not massive”.

A number of Sydney residents expressed their disbelief on social media that they had just felt an earthquake.

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“Did we just have a… mini earthquake?” one person wrote on X.

“Earthquake in Bondi. This is the first time this has happened!” wrote another.

A Newcastle resident posted on social media that his house shook.

The chief seismologist at the Australian Geoscience Agency, Dr. Hadi Ghasemi, said that two aftershocks followed the first earthquake with a magnitude of 3.3 and then the second with a magnitude of 2.9.

“There is always the possibility that aftershocks could continue in the coming weeks, but as a general rule the largest aftershocks tend to occur later,” he said. [after the main earthquake]”.”

The epicenter of the quake was located about 10 kilometers from the nearby Mount Arthur coal mine. Dr. Ghasemi said it was not unusual for earthquakes to occur near mines as the sites were usually located near fault lines.

“Fault lines provide a pathway for fluids to pass through and deposit valuable minerals, but the same process can also increase the likelihood of earthquakes,” he added.

He said the region had seen more than 150 earthquakes in the past 20 years, but this was the biggest.

The Meteorological Agency said there was no threat of a tsunami from the earthquake.




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