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Muswellbrook earthquake near proposed nuclear power plant site

Muswellbrook earthquake near proposed nuclear power plant site



State emergency services were called to assist some people whose homes and businesses were damaged in Muswellbrook, but there were no reports of serious injuries.

Local residents said on Friday that some buildings in the Muswellbrook CBD had windows smashed, chimneys collapsed and goods falling off shelves.

Tremors were felt in a large circle around the epicentre in Denman, just south of Muswellbrook, from south of Sydney to Coffs Harbour on the mid-north coast.

Leading seismologist Hadi Ghasemi said about 2,400 people contacted Geoscience Australia to report feeling the quake, which struck at 12.01pm.

“That's a very large number. The earthquake itself was a decent size and at a depth of 10 kilometres it was very shallow, so it's not surprising that it was felt so widely,” he said.

The fault lines are located near the epicenter of the earthquake, and may have been created by pressure building up as the Australian continental plate slowly moves northeast at a rate of about seven centimeters per year, Ghasemi said.

The epicenter of the quake was a few kilometers west of Lake Liddell, where the federal government plans to build a nuclear power plant if elected.

According to the World Nuclear Association and studies by the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation for the Lucas Heights reactor in southern Sydney, nuclear plants can be designed to withstand earthquakes of magnitude 4.8 or greater. However, strengthening nuclear plants against large earthquakes would increase the overall cost of building them.

The epicenter was also close to four large coal mines that use explosives that can cause small seismic effects. The mines are known to cause larger earthquakes, but Ghasemi said that was unlikely to be the case on Friday.

The decommissioned Liddell coal-fired power station, which is due to be the site of a nuclear reactor under coalition plans. Photo: Janie Barrett

“It is known that mines can cause earthquakes, but given the seismic activity in the area, there are natural fault lines and a history of earthquakes,” he said.

“I think it is unlikely given the size and depth of this earthquake that it is mining related.”

The earthquake occurred at a depth of five kilometers underground, which is a relatively shallow area for an earthquake of this size.

It was the largest earthquake to hit the area in more than two decades. The 1989 Newcastle earthquake, which killed 13 people, had a magnitude of 5.6 and caused extensive damage in central areas of the city.

Workers at BHP's Mount Arthur coal mine, which is directly above the quake's epicentre, continued planned explosions at the mine on Friday afternoon after the quake struck.

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