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Archaeologists discover 3,500 cuneiform tablets depicting ancient purchase after earthquake in Türkiye |

Archaeologists discover 3,500 cuneiform tablets depicting ancient purchase after earthquake in Türkiye |
Archaeologists discover 3,500 cuneiform tablets depicting ancient purchase after earthquake in Türkiye |


Archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery in Turkey, finding a 3,500-year-old cuneiform tablet detailing an important purchase. The ancient artifact was found during restoration work following a series of devastating earthquakes that struck the region. The tablet, which dates back to the 15th century BC, was discovered at the site of Tell Atchana, also known as the ancient city of Alala, located in Hatay Province in southern Turkey. The cuneiform tablet measures 4.2 x 3.5 cm and is 1.6 cm thick, weighing around 28 grams. Written in Akkadian cuneiform script, the text details the purchase of a large quantity of wooden furniture, including tables, chairs and benches. The discovery sheds light on the economic practices and administrative systems of the Late Bronze Age. The tablet was found near the ancient city gate, suggesting that it may have been part of an archive of administrative records.

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The excavation team, led by Dr. Murat Acar of Mustafa Kemal University, is working hard to translate and study the tablet. Dr. Jacob Lauinger, associate professor of Assyriology at Johns Hopkins University, and his doctoral student Zeynep Turker are also participating in the research. Their initial findings suggest that the tablet provides a comprehensive inventory of furniture items, along with details about the buyers and sellers involved in the transactions. This level of detail provides valuable insights into commercial activities and trade networks at the time. The discovery of the tablet is particularly significant because it was found during restoration efforts following earthquakes that struck the region in early 2024. The earthquakes caused significant damage to the archaeological site, but subsequent restoration work led to the discovery of this important artifact. The discovery of the tablet highlights the resilience of the local community and the importance of preserving cultural heritage even in the face of natural disasters. The ancient city of Alala, where the tablet was found, was a thriving urban center during the second millennium BCE. It was primarily inhabited by the Amorites, a Bronze Age people from the Levant. The city was strategically located on important trade routes, making it an important commercial and administrative The newly discovered tablet adds to the wealth of knowledge about the economic and social structure of AlUla. The cuneiform script used on the tablet is one of the oldest known writing systems, originally developed by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. The Akkadian language, in which the tablet is written, was widely spoken in the ancient Near East and is considered the oldest known Semitic language. These distinctive cuneiform scripts were created by highly educated scribes using reeds on clay tablets. Not only does this discovery provide a glimpse into the economic practices of the Late Bronze Age, it also underscores the importance of archaeological research in understanding ancient civilisations. The detailed records found on the tablet suggest a highly organised economic system, with meticulous record keeping and administrative oversight. Ongoing research aims to further explore the economic and administrative complexities of ancient AlUla, providing new insights into the region’s rich cultural heritage.

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