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WHO and the International Paralympic Committee have teamed up to highlight the power of assistive technology at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

WHO and the International Paralympic Committee have teamed up to highlight the power of assistive technology at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.


The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) are joining forces to highlight the transformative impact of assistive technology on sport during the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. “Equipped for capital” campaign. highlights the key role of assistive technology for Paralympic athletes in advocating concerted global action to improve access to these essential health products.

During the Games, WHO and the IPC will use the Paralympic platform to share messages and information focused on the importance of assistive technology, how athletes are using it and why universal access is essential. Examples of assistive technology used by Paralympians include: running paddles, wheelchairs and shooting slings.

The “Equipped for Equality” campaign will also feature personal stories of athletes who rely on assistive technology in sport and in everyday life and highlight national successes in advancing access to these critical health products.

“The Paralympic Games show us what is possible and the important role that assistive technology plays for these extraordinary athletes,” said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “But around the world, many people still lack access to key assistive technology due to its high cost and low availability. We urge governments, donors and civil society to prioritize these neglected but critical products, integrating them into primary health care programs as part of their journey towards universal health coverage.”

Andrew Parsons, President of the IPC, said: “The Paralympic Games are one of the few global events that puts people with disabilities front and centre, with many events highlighting how assistive technology can help athletes compete at the highest level. These technologies enable them to redefine what is possible in sports and inspire millions around the world.”

“As we prepare to celebrate incredible sporting success, it's crucial to remember that access to assistive technology remains a huge issue. We must push for more affordable and accessible solutions globally, ensuring that everyone, regardless of where they live, has the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life and contribute to society.”

WHO estimates that access to assistive technology remains severely limited in many parts of the world, with more than 2.5 billion people who need assistive technology around the world. For example, only 5-35% of the 80 million people who need a wheelchair have access to one, depending on where they live, and only 10% of the global demand for hearing aids is currently met. Without access to assistive technology, people with disabilities are denied the right to participate in all aspects of life and are also at greater risk of exclusion, isolation and poverty.

The “Equipped for Equality” campaign will showcase examples such as the recent assistive technology tax exemption in Zimbabwe and pre-Paralympic tax cuts on assistive technology for sports in France and Japan. By highlighting these initiatives, the campaign calls on countries to implement similar initiatives and integrate assistive technology into primary health care and universal health coverage.

Measures to make assistive technology more accessible and affordable are key not only to empowering individuals to fully participate in life, but also to foster broader social and economic development. Expanding access to quality, safe and affordable assistive technology reduces health and social costs such as frequent hospital admissions and promotes a more productive workforce, indirectly boosting economic growth.

WHO is also supporting the IPC and the Government of France to ensure a healthy and safe environment for all athletes and spectators at the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. Joint public health advice, developed with the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, has been provided to support travelers attending the Games.




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