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Charleston Marks 138th Anniversary of Devastating 1886 Earthquake

Charleston Marks 138th Anniversary of Devastating 1886 Earthquake


CHARLESTON COUNTY, S.C. (WCIV) — Saturday, August 31, marks the anniversary of the earthquake that struck Charleston and left devastating damage.

This damage can still be seen today from the historic Charleston earthquake of 1886.

“So the Charleston earthquake of 1886 was a magnitude 7.3.”

Dr. Daniel Frost is an Assistant Professor of Seismology in the School of Earth, Ocean and Environment at the University of South Carolina.

138 years later, Dr. Frost details the impact of that natural disaster,

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“This was an earthquake that occurred on land within a city, so its impact was much greater than many other magnitude 7 earthquakes,” Dr. Frost said.

The 1886 earthquake caused extensive damage.

“More than 80 percent of all stone or brick buildings in the city were destroyed,” Dr. Frost said. “About 60 people were killed.”

This damage can be seen in places such as the Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul.

The church continues to work to repair the damage 138 years later.

Charleston was not the only city affected by the 1886 earthquake.

“So it looks like 30 states, 30 people in 30 states, felt the earthquake. And then there was damage even in Alabama, which is several states away from Charleston. And people in Chicago reported feeling the earthquake, especially people who were in skyscrapers in Chicago,” Dr. Frost said.

The chances of another earthquake of this magnitude hitting Charleston are slim.

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“If you go to the Charleston area and dig in the mud there, you can see occasional evidence of these big earthquakes,” Dr. Frost said. “They all seem to be about the same size. The recurrence interval is about 500 years.”

And if an earthquake happens again in Charleston, Dr. Frost said:

“There will be billions of dollars in economic losses in terms of human losses. There will be hundreds of people, maybe hundreds of thousands of people, and a lot of people will be homeless in particular. There will also be a lot of sanitation issues. There will be millions of people living in the Charleston area without access to clean water. So yes, people will die in the process, but if we don’t respond to this very quickly, people will die after that just because of the water and water quality issues.”

Dr. Frost said that scientists learned from the 1886 earthquake:

“We know better where the ground is, where earthquakes happen, and we know better how the ground responds to different vibrations because it’s Charleston, it’s full of sand and clay and saturated sediments, and they amplify the vibrations in an earthquake. So we also know better how to deal with those two things, and how to locate buildings or build foundations that will be more resilient in the event of another earthquake.”

Dr. Frost added that in his opinion, “South Carolina has done a good job of preparing for uncertain conditions. Charleston has four seismometers in the area that are used to detect earthquakes and assist in any follow-up after an earthquake.”




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