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Indonesia's earthquake preparedness needs urgent improvement amid threat of massive quakes

Indonesia's earthquake preparedness needs urgent improvement amid threat of massive quakes
Indonesia's earthquake preparedness needs urgent improvement amid threat of massive quakes


JAKARTA – With Indonesia facing the imminent threat of a powerful earthquake, the government and public bodies must step up efforts to mitigate potential losses and damage, according to a leading disaster researcher.

Nuraini Rahmat Hanifah, a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency's Geological Disaster Research Center, stressed the need to strengthen earthquake preparedness during a virtual lecture in Jakarta on Monday.

“We still have a lot of work to do to improve our preparedness for a strong earthquake,” Rahma said, stressing that panic contributes significantly to the high death toll during natural disasters. In earthquakes, this panic often stems from fears of building collapse, leading to chaotic and dangerous behavior among residents.

Rahma compared this to Japan, where buildings are built to strict standards designed to withstand earthquakes. This trust in infrastructure reduces panic and saves lives.

“Many people in Indonesia lack confidence in the safety of their buildings or homes, leading to insecurity and panic during earthquakes,” she explained.

Although Indonesia has earthquake-resistant building codes, enforcement and compliance are inconsistent. Newer buildings in high-risk areas generally meet these codes. The National Standards Agency has developed several Indonesian national standards for earthquake risk management, including SNI 1726:2019, which specifies earthquake-resistant planning for buildings.

Rahma also noted that painful memories of the 2004 Aceh tsunami still affect public behaviour, with fears of a repeat disaster prompting people to flee their homes at the slightest tremor.

She recommended that disaster mitigation efforts focus on science, technology and innovation, such as building earthquake-resistant homes and upgrading early warning systems. These efforts should be accompanied by comprehensive public education on evacuation and disaster response methods.

“Thanks to these efforts, we can reduce panic and feel more prepared to face a strong earthquake,” Rahma concluded.

In August, Daryono, head of the earthquake and tsunami center at Indonesia's Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency, warned of the potential impact of an earthquake triggered by the massive Nankai subduction zone, located off the eastern coast of Kyushu, Shikoku and Kinki in southern Japan.

“If a major earthquake hits the Nankai Islands and causes a tsunami, we need to be vigilant, because a major tsunami in Japan could reach Indonesian territory,” Daryono warned.

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