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Morocco’s Ideal Response to the Al Hoceima Earthquake – Opinion – Eurasia Review

Morocco’s Ideal Response to the Al Hoceima Earthquake – Opinion – Eurasia Review
Morocco’s Ideal Response to the Al Hoceima Earthquake – Opinion – Eurasia Review


As Morocco continues to deal with the aftermath of the devastating Al Hoceima earthquake, the country stands as a testament to resilience, swiftness and coordinated action. Under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco has embarked on an extraordinary journey of reconstruction and rehabilitation, demonstrating to the world the power of unity, effective governance and an unwavering commitment to caring for its citizens.

At the heart of this massive recovery effort is the Joint Ministerial Committee, which recently convened for the eleventh time under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch. The progress made by the committee reflects Morocco’s strong response to the natural disaster – a response that was swift and comprehensive.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, His Majesty’s directives were the driving force behind the Kingdom’s actions. From the outset, the royal directives emphasized a rapid, effective and compassionate response to the disaster. This clear vision enabled the government to mobilize resources and coordinate efforts across all sectors, ensuring that no region, community or citizen was left behind.

The results speak for themselves. In a short period of time, the government has made significant strides in rebuilding homes, rehabilitating infrastructure, and providing financial and technical support to affected families. The issuance of more than 55,000 reconstruction permits and ongoing work on nearly 50,000 damaged homes underscores the scale and speed of these efforts. Moreover, the government’s commitment to restoring public buildings, roads, and essential services, such as health care and education, highlights the comprehensive approach to reconstruction – one that prioritizes immediate relief and long-term development.

The Backbone of Recovery: Rebuilding Infrastructure

Infrastructure plays a pivotal role in any country’s recovery and future resilience, especially in the wake of natural disasters. Morocco’s approach to rebuilding infrastructure damaged by the Al Hoceima earthquake embodies a forward-looking strategy that not only addresses immediate needs, but also lays the foundation for sustainable development.

The rehabilitation of National Road No. 7, which extends over 64 kilometers, is a prime example of this approach. This vital artery connects many remote areas affected by the earthquake, and its restoration is crucial to ensuring access to basic services, facilitating trade, and promoting regional integration. The government’s decision to prioritize the modernization of this road, with a budget of 665 million dirhams, underscores the importance of connectivity in the recovery process.

The restoration effort is divided into main sections, starting with the road linking Tizi n Tast to Tafinjoult in the Taroudant province. Here, the work is divided into two phases: an 8-kilometre section, where significant progress has already been made since work began in April, and a 22-kilometre section, where efforts began in July. This phased approach ensures that each section of road is returned to operational condition as quickly as possible, minimising disruption to local communities.

In addition, the road linking Ouirgane to the Nyakube hills in the Al Haouz province is undergoing a similar transformation. This 34-kilometre road is currently being developed in two sections, with work on the two 17-kilometre sections well underway. These roads are not only being restored to their pre-earthquake condition; they are also being improved to withstand future challenges, ensuring they can serve local residents for decades to come.

In addition to roads, the Moroccan government is also investing heavily in other vital infrastructure sectors. The healthcare system, for example, has seen the completion of upgrades to 42 priority health centres in the areas most affected by the earthquake. These centres, which required a total investment of 168 million dirhams, are now better equipped to provide care not only in emergencies but also in day-to-day health services, thus strengthening the resilience of the community.

In the education sector, the reconstruction and rehabilitation of schools has been treated with great urgency and planning. The committee reported that 111 schools will be ready to receive students in the current academic year, with more efforts to ensure that more than 1,000 more schools are operational by the 2025-26 academic year. This massive project, costing approximately AED 3.5 billion, reflects the government’s recognition of education as a cornerstone of long-term recovery and community stability.

Water infrastructure, another vital component, is also receiving attention. Programmes to repair damaged water infrastructure, with a budget of 117 million dirhams, are essential to ensure the continued availability of drinking water and support agricultural activities in the affected areas. The restoration of 43 hydrological stations and the repair of drinking water distribution networks deserve particular attention, as they are vital for both daily life and economic activities in rural areas.

A comprehensive focus on infrastructure is not just about rebuilding what we have lost; it is about building back stronger and smarter. For example, the inclusion of new wells in affected governorates is a proactive measure to enhance water security in areas where access to water can be challenging. Similarly, rebuilding rural roads and strengthening small and medium-sized hydraulic infrastructure is critical to maintaining agricultural productivity and ensuring that remote communities remain connected to larger markets.

The Moroccan government’s infrastructure strategy is a model for how to integrate disaster recovery with long-term development. By investing in resilient infrastructure, the Kingdom not only addresses the immediate needs of its citizens, but also ensures that affected areas are better prepared for future challenges. This approach, guided by the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, positions Morocco as a leader in disaster recovery and sustainable development, and offers lessons that can be shared with the world.

As Morocco rebuilds, it does so with a vision for a more resilient and sustainable future. The ongoing efforts to rehabilitate heritage sites damaged by the earthquake are a powerful reminder that Morocco’s history and culture are integral to its identity and future. Preserving and restoring these sites is not just about protecting the past, it is also about investing in a future where cultural heritage and economic development go hand in hand.

The commitment of the Joint Ministerial Committee to continue its work with speed, efficiency and precision is commendable. The goal is not only to rebuild what has been lost, but to set a new standard for integrated and balanced territorial development. This approach, guided by the high directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, aims to create a comprehensive and forward-looking development model.

As Morocco moves forward, the lessons learned from the Al Hoceima earthquake will undoubtedly shape the nation’s approach to future challenges. The Kingdom’s response has demonstrated that with strong leadership, effective governance, and the collective will of the people, even the most difficult obstacles can be overcome. Rebuilding Al Hoceima is not just a recovery effort—it is a symbol of Morocco’s enduring strength and resilience.




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