Google Launches Earthquake Alerts on Android Across the US

In 2020, Google announced Android Earthquake Alerts, which turns your phone into an earthquake detector. The seconds-long warning will soon be available in all 50 states and six U.S. territories.
While California, Oregon and Washington have the USGS's ShakeAlert system that uses seismometers to detect earthquakes, most other places don't have a dedicated system.
Google has a way to detect earthquakes using the accelerometer in smartphones. Earthquakes first generate a P wave followed by the destructive S wave that you feel. Your phone’s sensors are able to detect that initial wave. When that happens, your device will send public city-wide location data to Google’s earthquake detection server. Google then determines whether an earthquake of magnitude greater than 4.5 is happening to send one of two alerts:
Attention: This alert is sent as a notification, and indicates mild or weak shaking, giving you a heads up to prepare for a potentially stronger shake. Take action: This full-screen warning says “Moderate to severe shaking is expected, prompting you to take immediate action to protect yourself.”
Once the earthquake is over, you can tap for tips on what to do next. You can also see earthquake information from Android earthquake alerts in Google Search — just search for “earthquake near me.”
Earthquake alerts on Android are already available in 97 countries (full list below), and are now available in all 50 states, plus: American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and Minor Outlying Islands. They will be fully rolled out “in the coming weeks.”
Google says it is “actively collaborating with experts in the field and analyzing data after earthquake events are detected allows us to continually improve Android’s earthquake alerting system.” It will detail the science and technology in a forthcoming research paper.
Earthquake alerts are turned on by default. You can disable them from Android Settings > Security & emergency > Earthquake alerts (or Location > Advanced > Earthquake alerts).
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