Emergency equipment, furniture rearrangement, and drills
JAKARTA – Located at the confluence of three major tectonic plates – the Indo-Australian, Eurasian, and Pacific plates – Indonesia faces the risk of major earthquakes that can trigger devastating tsunamis. It is critical that we strengthen preparedness and build resilience to mitigate these risks.
Among the most dangerous threats are massive earthquakes that occur in subduction zones and can produce strong tremors exceeding 8.0 on the Richter scale. These earthquakes pose a significant risk of causing tsunamis.
To address this risk, it is essential that the public is well informed about earthquake response procedures. Effective communication about evacuation routes, assembly points and emergency procedures is also crucial. The government and relevant agencies should conduct periodic disaster simulations to ensure community preparedness.
Noorini Rahma Hanifah, a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Authority’s Geological Disaster Research Center, stressed the importance of improving earthquake preparedness. “We still have a lot of work to do to improve our preparedness for a strong earthquake,” Rahma said. She noted that panic during natural disasters often leads to significant human losses, as fears of building collapses can lead to chaotic and unsafe behavior.
In addition to public education, strengthening buildings is vital. Many homes, schools and hospitals must be built or renovated to withstand earthquakes. Coastal areas also need effective measures to prepare for tsunamis, including accurate and rapid early warning systems.
Here are the main preparations for dealing with a strong earthquake:
Prepare an emergency kit Put together an emergency kit that contains essentials such as medications, communication devices, important documents, money, personal hygiene items, ready-to-eat food, and water. This will meet your basic needs during an emergency.
Secure household items Organize household items to reduce the risk of injury from falling objects during an earthquake. Place heavy furniture such as cabinets and shelves against the walls and make sure frequently used items are easily accessible and are unlikely to move.
Participate in drills and exercises Participate in earthquake drills and exercises to learn the necessary actions to take before, during, and after an earthquake. This knowledge reduces panic and improves disaster preparedness.
Implement early warning systems Install and maintain earthquake early warning systems to receive advance alerts. These systems allow for timely evacuation or shelter, reducing injuries and fatalities and enabling rapid response by authorities.
Strengthening building structures Strengthening building structures in earthquake-prone areas to prevent collapse. Buildings designed or renovated according to earthquake-resistant standards can save lives and reduce damage. The National Standards Agency (BSN) has developed several Indonesian National Standards (SNI) for earthquake risk management, including SNI 1726:2019, which provides guidelines for earthquake resistance in buildings.
Understand Earthquake Risks Be aware of the earthquake risks in your area and make sure all family members know the proper actions to take during an earthquake. Proper understanding and preparation enhances safety and reduces the impact of strong earthquakes.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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