Everything you need to know about national training in Mexico
Mexico will hold a national earthquake (and natural disaster) drill on Thursday, September 19, the seventh anniversary of the powerful 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck central Mexico and the 39th anniversary of the 8.1 magnitude earthquake that devastated Mexico City.
Here's what you need to know about simulacro nacional, or national training.
Earthquakes are a fairly common occurrence in some parts of Mexico. In this photo, students at a school in Mexico City were forced to evacuate the building on June 23 after a 5.2 magnitude earthquake interrupted their annual exams. (Moises Pablo Nava/Cuartoscuro) What time is rehearsal?
Practice will begin at 11 a.m. Mexico City time.
Where will the training take place?
According to the federal government, all 32 federal entities (Mexico City and 31 states) will participate in this year's exercises.
What is the drilling hypothesis?
The “central” hypothesis of this year's training will be a 7.5-magnitude earthquake with its epicentre in the city of Acapulco in the state of Guerrero.
However, the civil protection authorities in each state will use different scenarios to conduct the exercises, depending on the prevailing natural disaster risk in each state.
Will the earthquake alarm sound?
Earthquake alerts will be activated in Mexico City and 10 states: Guerrero, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Michoacán, Jalisco, Colima, Morelos, State of Mexico, Puebla and Tlaxcala.
The government said the alert would be sounded by 14,490 loudspeakers, including about 14,000 mounted on utility poles in Mexico City.
In some parts of Mexico, the drills will attempt to be as realistic as possible, even simulating medical emergencies for the benefit of first responders. (Gallo Cañas Rodriguez/Cuartescoro) Mexico City residents will also receive a mobile phone alert
Residents of the Mexico City metropolitan area will receive a message on their cell phones alerting them to the start of national earthquake drills. The federal government said it would be the first time such messages have been sent.
What will happen during training?
Buildings will be evacuated, and other emergency response protocols will be activated.
Authorities advise citizens to stay calm and not run, scream or push anyone during the exercise – or if they find themselves experiencing a real earthquake or other natural disaster.
Workplaces and schools, among other places, have safety representatives who will lead the training on Thursday.
Municipal, state and federal authorities will use the exercises to test their emergency response strategies and plans.
What should you do during training (and a real earthquake)?
In addition to evacuating buildings and following the instructions of safety representatives, residents should – if they are able and if necessary – do the following:
Helping and caring for children. Helping the elderly. Helping people with disabilities. Caring for pets. Turning off gas, water and electricity. How should you prepare for an earthquake?
The National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) advises the public to prepare a “family civil protection plan” for earthquakes, organize and participate in evacuation drills, and “identify safe zones” in their homes, schools, and workplaces.
Among other tips, the government encourages citizens to prepare an “emergency backpack” containing items such as a flashlight, first aid kit, walkie-talkie, water, non-perishable foods, warm clothing, medication and photocopies of important documents.
During earthquakes, Cenapride advises citizens to stay calm and stay away from objects, buildings, trees and power lines that may fall. Those living near the ocean should stay away from the coast due to the risk of tsunamis.
Rescuing a victim from the rubble of the devastating 1985 Mexico City earthquake. Why is the training being held on September 19?
As we mentioned in the introduction to this article, a powerful earthquake struck Mexico City on this date in 1985, killing thousands. Authorities then decided to hold an earthquake drill on the same date in preparation for a similar event.
The September 19, 2017, earthquake that killed nearly 400 people in central Mexico struck just hours after that year's exercise, while another major earthquake struck on the same date in 2022 less than an hour after the drill.
Is it a coincidence that three major earthquakes have occurred on the same date in the past 38 years?
On September 19, 2022, a Canadian environmental seismologist described the occurrence of the latest earthquake on September 19 on the same day as previous earthquakes as an “astonishing coincidence.”
“In an amazing coincidence today, Mexico held a national earthquake safety drill today to commemorate the 7.1 magnitude earthquake of September 19, 2017 and the 8.0 magnitude earthquake of September 19, 1985. An hour after the drill, a 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck,” Celeste Lapides said on social media.
“Note: ‘Amazing’ from a human perspective does not mean that there is something geophysically strange! Large earthquakes are not uncommon in Mexico (especially in a subduction zone), and the probability of matching dates may be surprising, as in the case of the Christmas problem,” Lapides added, referring to probability theory.
For his part, the physicist at the National Autonomous University, José Luis Mateos, said that the probability of three earthquakes of great strength occurring on the same date is one in 133,225, or 0.00075%.
Mexico Daily News
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