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Another earthquake hits horse racing

Another earthquake hits horse racing
Another earthquake hits horse racing


Earthquakes are measured on several scales.

The moment magnitude scale (Mw) is used by the USGS to measure the magnitude of an earthquake while the Richter scale (ML) is still used for smaller earthquakes that are recorded locally.

Factors that influence the measurement of earthquakes may include magnitude (magnitude), distance from the epicenter, and depth. Earthquakes are usually shallow, ranging from three to six miles deep, but some may be as deep as 150 miles or more.

Just a few weeks ago, Mane Attraction wondered if there was a crack in the foundation of our sport – and a few members of the BDHP (Breaking Down Horse Players) group described it as a minor earthquake!

The uproar began when Penn Gaming closed the sportsbook at Freehold Raceway just as the lucrative NFL season was about to begin… and many “gamblers” wondered why.

The earthquake did not cause much noise or concern, it was probably a 1.5 or 2.0 magnitude earthquake and not much damage was noticed.

But earthquakes tend to have aftershocks… and some of them can be very destructive.

Since the advent of casinos over the past two decades, pari-mutuel racing tracks have seemed to have a stronger foundation, resistant to any earthquakes that might occur.

But as we noted, cracks in the foundations of some racetracks have led to earthquakes in the form of closures, destroying the livelihoods of thousands of people, surrounding businesses and the economic stability of their areas.

The 1.5 magnitude “earthquake” that closed the Freehold Racetrack has evolved into a 7 magnitude earthquake – a catastrophic event – with the historic racetrack set to close at the end of the year.

A packed arena at the Freehold Racetrack in the 1960s (photo by Bernard Holder)

Not only will the races be stopped, but so will the live broadcast, as Pennwood's two companies – Penn Entertainment and Greenwood, which own the race – see it as unsustainable to continue the race.

To them, it doesn't matter that along with the drivers, trainers, grooms, blacksmiths, jockeys, veterinarians, equine dentists, the race secretary, the track clerk, the barn stewards, the commentators, the track kitchen staff, the track maintenance staff, the umpire and starter driver, the judges, the finish line operators, the TV broadcast crews… many more… will be left behind at the starting gate – some of whom have given most of their lives to an industry they love and an industry that promised them a lifetime of refuge when their “parent” company took over, as any parent would.

“This is a 7.0 earthquake for many of us,” said one person, who asked not to be identified.

“There are people who will have to sell their homes, if they have one, or try to move somewhere else that might be more affordable. Many people’s lives have changed now.

The first three-wheeled photo op in harness racing was at Freehold Raceway in 1953.

“This is a tragedy… and not just for me!

“I know they make a lot of money… but even that’s not enough! It’s just greed!”

What about the surrounding businesses that will suffer devastating conditions…local farms, training facilities, feed companies, sawdust vendors, all-purpose supply companies, horse harnesses and jogging carts.

There are 1000 services affected, not to mention restaurants in the area, accommodations, pharmacies, hair salons…etc.

Of course, this is nothing new.

Those who claimed to admire the historic Roosevelt Raceway were quick to sell the property… leaving the great legacy of George Morton Levy to be forgotten.

When jockeys took to the streets of Florida in 2004 to pass an amendment allowing casinos in Broward County, it was on the understanding that racing would be protected.

With land values ​​skyrocketing and political dollars playing a role, that must have gone out the window, right?

The Van Lennep family, who invested millions of dollars to build the Pompano (city and road) – or “the Pomp” as it is called these days – well, their legacy was buried too as the rubble from the destroyed building was hauled away by dump trucks.

This partial list of racetracks has been closed one by one, almost imperceptibly, and it's amazing.

Take for example Atlantic City Racetrack (69 years), Balmoral Park (89 years), Bay Meadows (74 years), Garden State Park (59), Hollywood Park *75), Jackson Racetrack (60), Maywood (69), The Rock (103), Sportsman's Park (70) – there are more… over 30.

But let's get back to Freehold… They had the opportunity to open their sportsbook in 2018… and they didn't do it until 2020 – late 2020!

Many say that negligence led to the closure.

Neglect will do it every time.

Could there be any interested buyer willing to contribute to keeping Freehold alive?

In their eyes, the Freehold Racecourse is a historic landmark bearing evidence of racing being held there for nearly 200 years.

It was officially opened in December 1853 with the formation of the Monmouth County Agricultural Society to hold its annual fair featuring harness racing.

(By the way, the annual membership fee was $1, with a $10 charge to enable lifetime membership.)

Freehold Racetrack from 1905 to 1910 (Photo courtesy of Monmouth County Historical Society)

There have been many historic moments on the track as well, one being runner George M. Patchin who ran the two-mile mark under saddle in 4:56… when he was 14 years old in the early 1860s!

When we were all kids, Freehold was the track owned by Carmine Abbatelo and his brother Anthony, Harold Dancer Jr., and a “little” later Hervey and Eddie Lohmeyer and Harold Kelly.

They have been erased from our rich history due to neglect, and nothing has been done to prevent this neglect and erasure from history.

While casinos and legislatures have proven positive in Ohio, Pennsylvania (so far), Kentucky, Indiana and select locations in New York, they have proven devastating to some tracks and many thousands of people who now face an uncertain future where the bottom line and their shareholders are the top priority.

Promises have been broken and we are now at the mercy of those who now control our money so that no more promises or lives are broken.

What is especially frightening is the fact that when something like this happens, it shows that it can happen anywhere and everywhere, putting our lives and the future of harness racing at risk.

Is there a solution? Who knows! But it seems doubtful.

I hope the horse is with you.

By John Perry, for Harnesslink




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