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Heavy rains in Japan leave one dead, several missing, as region continues to recover from quake

Heavy rains in Japan leave one dead, several missing, as region continues to recover from quake
Heavy rains in Japan leave one dead, several missing, as region continues to recover from quake


Heavy rains hit the Noto region in north-central Japan on Saturday, causing landslides and flooding that left one person dead and several missing, officials said.

Floods caused rivers to overflow, submerging homes and stranding some residents in the region, which is still recovering from the deadly Jan. 1 earthquake.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued its highest level of heavy rain warnings for several cities in Ishikawa Prefecture, including the hardest-hit cities of Suzu and Wajima on the northern coast of the Noto Peninsula.

In Suzhou, one person was killed and another was missing after being swept away by floodwaters. Another person was missing in the nearby town of Noto, according to the prefecture.

In Wajima, four people were missing after a landslide at a construction site. They were among 60 construction workers who were repairing a tunnel damaged by the January quake, NHK reported, adding that another worker was missing due to flooding elsewhere in the city.

Footage broadcast by NHK in the coastal Wajima area showed a wooden house torn apart and tilted after it was apparently struck by landslides from a steep hill, with muddy water still flowing down it. There were no reports of injuries at the site.

In Noto City, two people were seriously injured while visiting their earthquake-damaged home when landslides hit them.

At least 16 rivers in Ishikawa had burst their banks as of noon Saturday, the Land and Infrastructure Ministry said. Authorities urged residents to exercise extreme caution against possible mudslides and building damage.

By late Saturday afternoon, about 1,350 residents were seeking shelter in designated community centers, school gyms and other city facilities, authorities said.

Rainfall of up to 20 centimeters (7.8 inches) is expected in the region over the next 24 hours until Sunday noon, due to rain bands causing heavy downpours over the Hokuriku region, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

“Heavy rain is hitting the area that was hit hard by the Noto earthquake, and I think many people are feeling very anxious,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said.

Hayashi said the government was “putting people's lives first” and that its priority was search and rescue operations. He also called on residents to pay close attention to the latest weather warnings and evacuate and take precautions early, adding that Self-Defense Forces had been dispatched to Ishikawa to join rescue efforts.

Several roads were also flooded with muddy water. Hokuriku Electric Power Co. said about 6,500 homes were without power. Traffic lights were also out in affected areas. Water supplies were also cut off to many homes.

Heavy rains also fell in the neighboring northern prefectures of Niigata and Yamagata, threatening flooding and other damage, officials said.

In January, a series of powerful earthquakes struck Japan's west coast, damaging homes and sparking fires, prompting tsunami warnings and leaving tens of thousands without power as residents were urged to seek higher ground.

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