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RTL Today – Quake-hit peninsula: Rescuers comb muddy riverbanks after Japan floods kill seven

RTL Today – Quake-hit peninsula: Rescuers comb muddy riverbanks after Japan floods kill seven
RTL Today – Quake-hit peninsula: Rescuers comb muddy riverbanks after Japan floods kill seven


Heavy rains have triggered flooding and landslides in Japan’s Ishikawa prefecture, killing at least six people and leaving several others missing. The region, still recovering from a major earthquake earlier this year, has seen widespread damage, power outages and isolated communities. Rescue efforts continue as scientists link extreme weather to climate change.

Rescuers combed the banks of a debris-strewn river in central Japan on Monday for drowning victims after floods and landslides swept away homes and killed at least seven people.

The river burst its banks on the Noto Peninsula – an area still reeling from a devastating earthquake in January – over the weekend, turning into a muddy torrent that swamped roads and a remote village.

As the skies finally cleared, police and firefighters from across Japan were joined by residents and the father of a 14-year-old girl, one of seven missing people.

The death toll stood at seven, including one seriously injured and 11 slightly injured, as of Monday afternoon, Ishikawa Prefecture said on its website.

Rain has been lashing the region since Saturday, with more than 540 mm (21 inches) of rain recorded in the city of Wajima over 72 hours – the heaviest continuous downpour since comparable data became available.

The flood disaster hit the region as it was recovering from a 7.5-magnitude earthquake on New Year's Day that collapsed buildings, triggered a tsunami and sparked a major fire.

Floodwaters have inundated emergency housing built for those who lost their homes in the Jan. 1 earthquake, which killed at least 374 people, according to the Ishikawa prefectural government.

“I have to start over, in another cold winter,” former sushi chef Shoichi Miyakoshi, 76, whose wife was killed in the 2007 earthquake, told AFP.

As of Monday afternoon, 3,600 homes remained without power after the rain, according to Hokuriku Electric Power Co.

More than 100 areas in the region have been isolated, and roads have been closed due to landslides.

– “I want to hug her” –

In Wajima, one of the cities hardest hit by the recent quake, dirty puddles and piles of branches covered the streets.

Widespread evacuation orders were issued over the weekend, but many residents returned to clear away the mud.

Takaya Kiso, the father of the missing 14-year-old girl, told TV Asahi and other local media that he hopes she will be found soon because he “wants to hug her.”

“She was asleep, so she wasn't aware of the situation. She was woken up by my phone call. When I looked outside, it was like the sea, with floodwaters covering the roads,” he said in Wajima.

But when Kiso rushed back from work, the house was gone, reports said.

Akemi Yamashita, 54, a Wajima resident, told AFP she was driving on Saturday when “in just 30 minutes or so, water poured onto the street and quickly rose to half the height of my car.”

“I was talking to other residents in Wajima yesterday, and they said, 'It's so heartbreaking to live in this city.' I cried when I heard that,” she said, describing the quake and flooding as “like something out of a movie.”

“I can't help but think that the Noto area might be cursed or something.”

Scientists say human-caused climate change is intensifying the risks posed by heavy rains because a warmer atmosphere holds more water.

The weather agency warned on Saturday that areas under emergency warning had seen “heavy rainfall at unprecedented levels”, and advised people to “secure their safety immediately”.




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