Photos show Russian arsenal exploded by earthquake force
New satellite images show extensive damage to an ammunition depot inside Russia after long-range Ukrainian drones struck the facility.
The British Ministry of Defence said last week's attack on a warehouse in Toropets, a town in the Tver region of western Russia, caused an explosion equivalent in strength to a minor earthquake, measuring 2.7 on the Richter scale.
“It is very likely that poor storage of ammunition makes it vulnerable.” [one-way attack drones]“It caused a series of successive explosions within the bunker system, resulting in massive munition losses,” the Defense Department wrote in an intelligence update Saturday.
Britain shared multiple satellite images taken on September 19, a day after the attack, showing destroyed craters and storage warehouses at the Toropets arsenal – one of the largest munitions depots used by Russia to support its war in Ukraine.
UK MoD: Further damage at Russian ammunition depot in Toropets. UK MoD: Craters and destroyed bunkers at Russian ammunition depot in Toropets. UK MoD: Further damage at Russian ammunition depot in Toropets.
A source in Ukraine’s Security Service told Business Insider after the attack that Russia had been storing ballistic missiles, bombs and artillery ammunition at the facility. The warehouse was “literally wiped off the face of the earth,” said the source, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive operations.
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The British Ministry of Defence said more than 30,000 metric tons of munitions were stored at the facility, including highly destructive Russian-made glide bombs and other battlefield munitions. Toropets is located more than 300 miles from the Ukrainian border.
Just days after the Toropets attack, Ukraine said over the weekend it had struck two more ammunition depots inside Russia.
Ukraine's armed forces said they targeted an arsenal in Tikhoretsk, a town in the southern Krasnodar region, describing it as one of Russia's largest ammunition storage facilities. Kyiv also said it hit another site in the Tver region.
The attacks over the past week represent the latest in a series of long-range strikes by Ukraine targeting key military and energy facilities inside Russia.
Ukraine is prohibited from using Western-supplied cruise and ballistic missiles to strike targets inside Russia, so it has relied heavily on domestically produced long-range attack drones to hit high-profile sites such as ammunition depots, air bases and oil refineries.
The UK Ministry of Defence said Russian air defences “continue to struggle to counter Ukrainian deep strike operations”, although Moscow claimed to have shot down dozens of Ukrainian drones in the Toropets attack.
Conflict analysts have said that long-range Ukrainian attacks would put Russian logistics in a serious bind, and the British Ministry of Defence said that the Toropets attack in particular would “likely” disrupt Russian ground operations, especially in the Kursk region where Ukrainian forces surprised Moscow with an invasion last month.
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