New earthquakes were reported in Tamaulipas: three tremors in less than 24 hours
Tamaulipas has seen an unusual increase in seismic activity this year. Three earthquakes were recorded in the region during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of tremors in 2024 to 37, according to data from the National Seismological Service (SSN). Image is for illustration purposes
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Tampico, September 26, 2024 – The state of Tamaulipas has seen an unusual increase in seismic activity this year. Three earthquakes were recorded in the region during the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of tremors in 2024 to 37, according to data from the National Seismological Service (SSN).
The last earthquake occurred early yesterday morning, with a magnitude of 3.7 on the Richter scale. The epicenter of the earthquake was 74 kilometers northeast of Ciudad Manti, where many of the tremors reported in recent months were concentrated. The other two tremors occurred during the past 24 hours in nearby areas, which contributed to growing anxiety among local residents who were not accustomed to this type of phenomenon.
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Historically, Tamaulipas is not known as a seismically active area compared to states like Oaxaca or Guerrero, where earthquakes are common. However, in recent years, seismic movements have become more frequent in northeastern Mexico, attracting the attention of experts and authorities.
The 37 earthquakes recorded in 2024 represent a significant increase compared to previous years, where tremors were sporadic and low in strength. Most of these earthquakes occurred in the southern part of the state, especially near Ciudad Mante and Altamira, where geological faults have shown recent activity.
The National Seismological Service and geological experts have begun to study this phenomenon in more detail. Some theories suggest that tectonic activity in the Northeast could be related to the reactivation of ancient geological faults and the cumulative effects of tectonic plate movement in North America and the Caribbean. Another possible cause is groundwater extraction and industrial activity in the area, although this has not yet been confirmed.
According to earthquake experts, these tremors are unlikely to indicate a larger earthquake, although this possibility cannot be completely ruled out. The recommendation is for residents to remain alert and follow the guidance of civil protection authorities.
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In response to this increase in seismic activity, residents in the affected areas began to express their concerns. Although no major infrastructure damage or casualties have been reported so far, residents are taking extra precautions, such as conducting drills and inspecting their homes to make sure they are prepared for a stronger quake.
Local authorities and civil protection have intensified their efforts to educate the public about safety measures in the event of an earthquake, including identifying safe areas, preparing emergency kits, and conducting drills. In addition, inspections of buildings and workplaces have been increased to ensure public safety.
Tamaulipas Civil Protection Coordinator, Pedro Granados Ramírez, stated in a recent press conference that although the strength of these tremors was relatively low, it was necessary for residents to remain vigilant. “Seismic events in our region, although historically rare, may be increasing. We must be prepared and act responsibly.”
As the year progresses, the scientific community will continue to closely monitor the development of these seismic events in Tamaulipas. Ongoing studies are expected to provide a more detailed explanation as to why the state is experiencing this unexpected seismic activity. In any case, the recommendation remains clear: stay calm, prepared, and informed.
Meanwhile, experts from the National Seismological Service will continue to monitor any variations in tectonic activity in the area to provide early warnings and preventive measures in case tremors continue or increase in intensity.
This change in seismic activity poses new challenges to a country that until recently was not on the country's earthquake radar, and must now adapt to a new reality of prevention and preparedness in the face of these natural phenomena.
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