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“Earthquake”: The far-right Freedom Party in Austria wins the elections | Election news

“Earthquake”: The far-right Freedom Party in Austria wins the elections | Election news
“Earthquake”: The far-right Freedom Party in Austria wins the elections | Election news


Austria's far-right Freedom Party topped the country's national elections with a historic victory, but it is likely to face difficulties in finding partners that would enable it to form a ruling coalition.

The Freedom Party received 28.8 percent of the votes, defeating the ruling conservative People's Party to occupy second place with 26.3 percent, according to almost complete results.

Although the Freedom Party has participated in coalition governments before, this is the first time it has won a national vote, and comes at a time when far-right parties across Europe are making gains.

However, all other parties in the country have refused to form a coalition with the pro-Russian Freedom Party, which was founded in the 1950s under the leadership of a former Nazi lawmaker. Leader Herbert Kickl is also a provocative and polarizing figure, whom the other party leaders do not like at all.

“We wrote a piece of history together today,” 55-year-old Kickl told cheering supporters in Vienna. “We have opened the door to a new era.”

Like other far-right parties elsewhere in Europe, the Freedom Party has surged in popularity amid voter anger over issues such as immigration, the state of the economy and restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This is definitely an earthquake and sends a shock wave to all other parties,” political analyst Thomas Hofer told AFP.

“Our hand is extended”

Kickl, who took over the party's leadership in 2021, said he was ready to form a government that included “every one” of the parties in parliament.

He added: “Our hands are extended in all directions.”

The atmosphere was festive among supporters of the Austrian Freedom Party, as supporters dressed in traditional Austrian dress drank cups of beer.

“It's a real success,” said Erik Berglund, a bartender. “It's going to be a very exciting time” as the Freedom Party tries to form a government. The 35-year-old praised Kickel as “the most competent leader.”

Chancellor Karl Nehammer, who has managed to close the gap between the FPO and Politics in recent weeks in the opinion polls, admitted that he had failed to achieve this.

“It was a catch-up race, and unfortunately we could not manage it,” said 51-year-old Nehammer, who promised to “continue fighting for the interests of the people.”

However, Nehammer could remain chancellor by forming a coalition with the Social Democratic Party (SPO) and perhaps another party, perhaps the liberal NEOS.

SPO gained 21.1 percent, similar to its record-low 2019 results, while NEOS reached 9.2 percent.

The formation of a three-party coalition will be the first of its kind, but analysts say it may face difficulties in governing given the country's shift towards the right.

Analysts say a coalition between the far right and the conservatives – who have been in power since 1987 – remains a likely possibility.

The Freedom Party's first government with the Conservatives in 2000 sparked widespread protests and sanctions from Brussels.

The second collapsed due to the Freedom Party's stunning corruption scandal in 2019 after only a year and a half in power.

More than 6.3 million of Austria's nine million population are entitled to vote.

Nehammer reiterated his refusal to work with Kickl, who called himself the future “Volkskanzler,” meaning people's advisor, as Adolf Hitler was called in the 1930s.

Kickl regularly attacks the sanctions imposed by the European Union on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

If Kickl succeeds in becoming chancellor, Austria's role in the EU will be “significantly different,” said Katharine Steiner-Hemmerli, a professor of political science at Carinthia University of Applied Sciences.

“Kickel has said that often [Hungarian Prime Minister] She told Reuters news agency that Viktor Orban is a role model for him and will stand by him.




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