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3 Deadliest Natural Disasters in the PNW| Right Like Rain by UW Medicine

3 Deadliest Natural Disasters in the PNW| Right Like Rain by UW Medicine
3 Deadliest Natural Disasters in the PNW| Right Like Rain by UW Medicine


How to prepare for the worst

So, how should you prepare for these unpredictable natural disasters? Some basic principles apply to all three.

Know where you live

First and foremost, educate yourself about where you live — or where you're thinking about moving. Is it in a tsunami inundation zone? Is he in the path of a potential lahar? Is it in the liquefaction zone?

Local and state government websites have easy-to-find maps of all of these risk areas. If you're thinking about buying or renting a house or apartment in one of these areas, consider the risks – it may be worth looking elsewhere. If you do live in a tsunami or lahar zone, learn your evacuation methods well.

In the event of an earthquake, think about how you would get home from work if bridges and overpasses collapsed. Plan alternative meeting routes and places to meet your loved ones in case you are not together when the shaking starts. Know where the nearest emergency services will be: If you don't live near a hospital, a fire station can provide medical care during a natural disaster.

“Where communities are cut off from medical access, the local fire department can become one of the community hubs and really act as a medical center that can get things done,” says Andrew McCoy, MD, an emergency medicine physician at Harborview. Medical Center.

Finally, check if your area has a community emergency center, which is a designated place, such as a P-Patch or community center, for people to gather, gather resources, and get first aid after a natural disaster. Seattle has 135 citywide.

Protect your home

If your house is in the path of a tsunami or lahar, there's not much hope for it. It will be destroyed. However, during an earthquake, there is a good chance your home will survive.

“I think people have gotten the impression since the New Yorker article came out that everything is going to collapse, and there is going to be complete devastation,” Tobin says. “This is not what we see in earthquakes around the world.”

Some structures are particularly vulnerable to collapse, such as brick or concrete buildings that have not been adequately reinforced. But most of the one- and two-story log homes common in Seattle would likely withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake. Providing shelter in the days and weeks following the earthquake will be crucial.

The best thing you can do to ensure your home survives, if you own it and it's possible, is to retrofit it seismically. If you are renting, ask your landlord what your home or building is made of and whether it has been updated or if they would like to have it done. If they don't provide you with this information, it may be worth looking for a new place at the end of the lease.

“The biggest problems with a house like mine is that if it's not nailed to the foundation, it's likely to slide,” says Lindell, who lives in a 1926 wood-frame house. “So do as I did and have a contractor stabilize the house on its foundation. Additionally, the chimney will likely collapse, but that is a much smaller problem.”

It's not just the resulting structural damage you have to worry about, but a house sliding can also snap gas and electrical lines, causing a fire.

Speaking of which, make sure you know where your gas shut-off valve is and how to turn it off in case you smell or hear gas after an earthquake. Also find out where your water is out, as well as how to disconnect power to the main panel in the event of a flood or a wire break.

Finally, whether you're a renter or an owner, you can be sure that large pieces of furniture, bookcases, heavy art pieces, televisions, computer monitors, water heaters, and large appliances are secured or secured. Make sure there is nothing heavy hanging above your bed.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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