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Second, the third earthquakes in a week have rocked Western Washington

Second, the third earthquakes in a week have rocked Western Washington
Second, the third earthquakes in a week have rocked Western Washington


The US Geological Survey (USGS) confirmed that two earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 and 2.6 struck western Washington on Sunday.

Washington felt the first tremor of the day — a 3.0-magnitude quake — shortly after 7:45 a.m., the agency reported. The epicenter of the earthquake was located less than a mile from Enitai. The USGS also cited Bremerton (2 miles away), Bainbridge Island (3.6 miles away), and Port Orchard (4.5 miles away) as “places close to” the earthquake. It was also about 40 miles from Olympia.

Additionally, the quake was more than 16.8 miles (about 27 kilometers) deep, according to the USGS and Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN).

There were approximately 190 responses to the USGS about feeling the tremor in some way.

PRELIM EARTHQUAKE: M3.2, 4.4 km ENE from Bremerton, WA on 09/29/2024 at 07:49 PDT Did you feel it?: /2L8X18KYv9 pic.twitter .com/k58VaBsvbY

– PNSN (@PNSN1) September 29, 2024

The USGS reported that Sunday's second tremor — a 2.6 magnitude earthquake — was felt in Washington just before 2:15 p.m. The epicenter was located near the same location as the first quake, just over a mile from Enitai.

More information: Check out the MyNorthwest Earthquake Tracker

The quake was more than 19 miles (about 31 kilometers) deep, according to the USGS and PNSN.

As of 9pm on Monday, there were very few reports of people feeling the subsequent quake. In addition, neither tremor prompted any messages or postings on X, from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Tsunami Warning System.

The third Washington earthquake with a magnitude of 2.6 in 7 days

An earthquake also struck an area near the San Juan Islands early last Thursday morning. The USGS reported that a 4.1 magnitude earthquake occurred at 4:05 a.m. between San Juan Island and Brentwood Bay, about 12 miles northeast of Victoria, British Columbia.

Previous coverage: Earthquake may have shaken residents of northern Washington

The USGS website showed that the quake was felt all the way near Olympia. No damage was reported.

The PNSN website showed that last Thursday's earthquake was the largest ever in the region in recent weeks.

PRELIM Earthquake: M4.1, 18.8 km NE of Victoria, BC on 09/26/2024 04:05 PST Feel it?:

– PNSN (@PNSN1) September 26, 2024

Why didn't you get an alert about any of the recent earthquakes

For those users who have signed up for alerts in the past and are wondering why no alerts appeared on their phones after the last three earthquakes, it's because they weren't large enough seismic events. The magnitude 4.0, 3.0 and 2.6 earthquakes fell below the threshold required to trigger automated alerts.

“For some apps, like MyShake, which you can download to your phone, that's still set at a 4.5-magnitude threshold and they haven't quite met those thresholds,” PNSN's Harold Tobin told KIRO Newsradio after the 4.3-magnitude earthquake. Hit the area in October 2023.

WARNINGS AND SUGGESTIONS: The public is encouraged to keep at least one emergency kit

MyShake offers the USGS ShakeAlert service across Washington, Oregon and California. It is operated from the Berkeley Seismological Laboratory at the University of California Berkeley and is operated in partnership with the USGS and the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES).

Contributing: Julia Dallas, MyNorthwest; Sam Campbell, Kiro News Radio

Steve Kogan is the senior editor of MyNorthwest. You can read more of his stories here. Follow Steve on X, or email him here.




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