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Kahramanmaraş distributes keys to more than 8,600 homes to earthquake survivors

Kahramanmaraş distributes keys to more than 8,600 homes to earthquake survivors
Kahramanmaraş distributes keys to more than 8,600 homes to earthquake survivors


In Kahramanmaraş, in the southeastern part of Türkiye, the keys of 8,626 houses completed after the earthquakes that struck on February 6 last year were handed over to their rightful owners.

A total of 11,609 housing units, built in the form of village houses and ground floor buildings as well as four and five-storey buildings, were transferred to the Disaster and Emergency Management Department for distribution to their rightful owners.

Avad Kahramanmaraş District Director, Tayfun Timur, told Anadolu reporter that tenders for a total of 41,541 housing units, including 28,872 urban houses and 12,669 rural houses, have been completed, and construction is still continuing.

Timur stressed that the work, which began under the guidance of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, continues tirelessly day and night, and added:

“When we look at the number of legal owners in Kahramanmaraş after the earthquakes of February 6, 2023, we have 67,858 in residences, 7,849 in workplaces and 1,704 whose barns were completely destroyed. In total, there are 77,411 earthquake victims in the city. The construction of our collective and rural housing continues.”

“The lottery draw for completed housing units continues. As of September 24, 20,764 earthquake victims have won housing in three lottery draws. Disaster and Emergency Management has received 11,609 units, keys to 8,626 units have been handed over and 4,380 families have moved into their homes,” he said.

Timur noted that the evacuation of container cities built after the earthquake is also continuing: “As we hand over the keys to the citizens, the container cities are gradually emptying. We started with 55 container cities across the city, and now there are 46 cities. We are handing over the keys to the citizens, “All these container cities will be evacuated.”

Timur explained that all state institutions are present on the ground to prevent earthquake victims from being exposed to any hardships, stressing that activities aimed at meeting the needs of earthquake victims are generally carried out through AFAD. While the delivery of completed permanent homes continues, new projects are also being developed to ensure that victims are able to maintain their daily lives comfortably and healthily.

“We visited the homes that we delivered as AFAD. In general, the citizens are satisfied with the delivery of the homes. The process of citizens moving into their homes continues. God willing, it will be better for the city when all the citizens hand over the keys to the house. They settled down and turned on their lights, and we will continue handing over the key until The last legal owner moves on.”

Aisha Ojis, whose house was severely damaged and destroyed in the earthquake, expressed her gratitude: “Thanks to our state, we have received a new house from TOKI in the Caragasu neighborhood instead of our destroyed house. I have received the keys to my house. I have come to the house to inspect it. It is a wonderful feeling, I hope May God give all the citizens whose homes were destroyed in the earthquake a new home, and I want to complete the missing parts of the house as soon as possible and move in as soon as possible.”

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