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$81 million aqueduct resiliency project aims to protect Utah's water supply in case of an earthquake

 million aqueduct resiliency project aims to protect Utah's water supply in case of an earthquake
 million aqueduct resiliency project aims to protect Utah's water supply in case of an earthquake


SOUTH WEBER — Utah seismologists and seismic engineers have long talked about “the big earthquake.”

An earthquake somewhere along the Wasatch Fault could kill nearly 2,500 people, cause $33 billion in economic losses, and leave 330,000 households without drinking water for more than 90 days, according to 2015 estimates from the Utah chapter of the Institute for Engineering Research. Earthquakes.

These estimates are on the smaller end of the spectrum because of the rapid growth the Beehive State has seen since 2015, said Brady Cox, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Utah State University.

“Eighty percent of Utah’s population lives within 15 miles of the fault, and much of that population is spread up and down the I-15 corridor, between Utah County and Brigham City,” Cox said.

With this in mind — and especially after 2020 when a 5.7-magnitude earthquake was felt widely across the Wasatch Front — the state is taking measures to bolster its infrastructure to protect against the “big quake.”

On Wednesday, another step was taken when the Utah Division of Water Resources and the Weber Basin Water Conservation District announced an $81 million seismic resilience project for the Davis Aqueduct.

“It's not a question of, 'Will the earthquake happen? When will it happen?'” said Joel Ferry, executive director of the Utah Department of Natural Resources. “So when something happens — and there is a high probability that it will happen — we have to be prepared and we have to be prepared.”

The project — critical to protecting the water security of more than 650,000 residents in the event of an earthquake — includes the installation of 2.2 miles of 72-inch steel pipe extending from Weber Canyon to the Davis North Water Treatment Plant.

“This portion of the pipeline always comes up as the most important in the 25-26 mile conduit that we run all the way to North Salt Lake,” said Scott Paxman, executive director of the Weber Basin Water Conservation District. “I told our board that the $81 million project — that's the amount of money it took to build the entire Weber Basin project including all the dams, reservoirs, pipelines, canals and pumping stations — in the 1950s. So (a) no Great money for only 2.2 miles of 72' pipeline and pump station.

A pumping station that is part of the $81 million Davis Canal earthquake resilience project, to increase water security in the event of a major earthquake, is pictured under construction in South Weber on Wednesday. (Photo: Christine Murphy, Deseret News)

Rep. Casey Snyder, R-Paradise, was born and raised in Weber County, and long before that, his family settled in the Ogden Valley. This project is about legacy and building on the achievements of its predecessors.

“At this point, we're in that management phase. We have to build on what's happened and pass it on to the next generation, and that means promoting when necessary in an emergency and that sort of thing,” Snyder said. “But I also believe it means building a future through planning, projects and investment for at least the next two generations. I hope today is the first of many projects in this state that allow us to continue to grow and continue.” To build and continue to thrive as a nation.”

People tour a new pump station that is part of the $81 million Davis Aqueduct seismic project, to increase water security in the event of a major earthquake, in South Weber on Wednesday. (Photo: Christine Murphy, Deseret News)

In September 2023, the Utah Legislature appropriated $50 million for aqueduct resiliency projects on the Wasatch Front, as long as the aqueduct crosses the Wasatch Fault Zone, as defined by the Utah Geological Survey, provides drinking water and supplies water to at least 20,000 people. the people.

Of course, the Davis Aqueduct checks all of these boxes.

“About $24 million of that went to this project,” said Candice Hasenager, director of the Utah Division of Water Resources. “If we look at all the aqueduct resiliency projects on the Wasatch Front, there's about $500 million left. So we know we have a long way to go but this is a big step forward in making that happen.”

In addition to the canal, an aqueduct pumping station is also being constructed at the bottom of the system that will be able to draw water, by gravity, from the Davis and Weber County Canal Company canal and will continue to supply water to the treatment plants should that occur. Paxman said the quake had made drinking water “at least” safe.

The initial 2.2-mile pipeline is expected to be completed within a year, Paxman added.




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