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Unusual seismic activity at Mount Adams; No signs of threatened eruption • Washington State Standard

Unusual seismic activity at Mount Adams; No signs of threatened eruption • Washington State Standard
Unusual seismic activity at Mount Adams; No signs of threatened eruption • Washington State Standard


Six low-intensity earthquakes occurred under Mount Adams during the month of September, according to the U.S. Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory.

This is an unusual amount of seismic activity at the 12,276-foot volcano in southwest Washington, marking the largest number of earthquakes on the mountain in a month since monitoring began there in 1982. However, officials say there is no imminent threat of an eruption. . Mount Adams last erupted 3,800 to 7,600 years ago.

The recent earthquakes were between 0.9 to 2.0 magnitude. Holly Weiss Racine, a geologist at the Volcano Observatory, described it as “very small” and said people in the area did not feel it. The mountain usually witnesses about one earthquake every two or three years. Weiss-Racine said the increase in September was “interesting” but “meaningless.”

She explained that there are multiple indicators that indicate that the volcano may be “starting to awaken again” or entering a “period of unrest.” These include a significant increase in earthquakes, ground deformation, and an increase in gas emissions.

“Right now, we're not seeing any of those things,” Weiss-Racine added during an interview on Friday. “We only see these six earthquakes.”

Volcanoes can have a wide range of background activities, including earthquakes. For example, Mount Rainier may experience a few small earthquakes daily.

If Mount Adams erupts, deposits of rock and other material on the landscape suggest it will be much different than the catastrophic 1980 eruption at Mount St. Helens, which killed 57 people and spewed ash that spread around the world in the following days.

“It's not a very explosive volcano. It doesn't produce a lot of ash,” Weiss-Racine said. Instead, geological records indicate that the volcano will produce thick, sticky flows of lava. The accumulation of this material is one of the reasons why Mount Adams is the largest By size in the Cascade Mountains.

The hazard that would be of greatest concern in the event of a Mount Adams eruption is lahars – the volcanic mudflows that even a small eruption can produce. This mass of melted ice and glacial rock can rush down river valleys and possibly into populated areas, such as Trout Lake in Washington.

Mount Adams is located in southwest Washington. The community of Trout Lake, located about 13 miles south of the mountain, is one place that could be threatened by lahar flows if an eruption occurs.

The September earthquakes appear to have occurred beneath the epicenter of Mount Adams. But because there is only one monitoring station at the volcano, it is difficult to determine where the tremors occur and how deep they go underground. The observation station is located about 7 miles southwest of the summit.

The Cascades Volcano Observatory installed an additional temporary seismic station on one of the passes yesterday, and has plans to add two more stations at Mount Adams next week.

In 2019, Congress authorized the creation of a new volcano early warning and monitoring system. The USGS is adding four more observation sites on Mount Adams using funding from this program but is awaiting permits from the US Forest Service to install equipment. The new instruments will be more advanced than those at the only station on the mountain now.

The Forest Service could finalize its approvals within the next month, but the new permanent stations may not be possible until next year because the weather around the mountain will deteriorate as winter approaches, Weiss-Racine said.




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