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Mount Adams, Washington's largest active volcano, is experiencing record seismic activity

Mount Adams, Washington's largest active volcano, is experiencing record seismic activity


Mount Adams in Washington has seen some unusual activity recently, the US Geological Survey (USGS) announced. Instead of one earthquake every two to three years, six earthquakes occurred in the region in September alone.

“This represents the largest number of earthquakes to occur on Mount Adams in a month since monitoring began in 1982,” according to a statement from the USGS.

The six quakes had a magnitude of between 0.9 and 2.0, and were detected by a seismic station about 11 kilometers (7 miles) from the summit of Mount Adams and other areas farther away, although scientists were unable to determine the exact depths and locations of the quakes. .

We know what you're thinking: Don't earthquakes precede volcanic eruptions? They could do that, but in this case, the USGS said the current level of earthquake activity is nothing to worry about. Mount Adams is classified as a “highly threatening” volcano (which takes into account previous eruptions and how an eruption could affect residents) but it is also very quiet – the last time it erupted was between 3,800 and 7,600 years ago.

Not only that, but none of the quakes were strong enough to be felt on the surface, nor were there any of the other typical signs of an impending eruption.

“We don't have a dedicated gas sensing station there,” John Major, a scientist in charge of the USGS in Vancouver, told Oregon Public Radio (OPB). “But there is no indication at the moment that the volcano appears to be degassing in any way.” Satellite images also did not show any deformation in the ground.

However, it is still not entirely clear why the rise in the number of earthquakes occurs.

“The volcanoes in the Cascades talk to us all the time. Mount Adams is generally pretty quiet,” Major said. “This time, it was decided that we would be a little more active and talk to us a little more. Exactly why he is talking to us, we do not know for sure.

“One of the challenges we have is that there is only one seismic station about seven miles from the volcano. So, it makes it really difficult to get very accurate locations and depths.

To get a better idea of ​​what's going on, the Cascades Volcano Observatory received permission from the U.S. Forest Service to set up temporary seismic stations in the area. Real-time data from those stations will be sent to CVO and the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN), which will be tasked with decoding it.

“This will improve our ability to locate small earthquakes with more certainty and help understand the cause of these earthquakes,” the USGS said in its statement. “The results of our findings will determine whether any additional measures are needed.”




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