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Scientists deploy monitors at WA volcano amid unusual seismic activity

Scientists deploy monitors at WA volcano amid unusual seismic activity


MOUNT ADAMS, Washington – Scientists have issued a statement following a spike in seismic activity at Mount Adams in central Washington.

The volcano usually witnesses an earthquake every two or three years. There were six cases in September 2024 alone, the most in a single month since surveillance began in 1982.

There is only one permanent seismic monitor nearby. In response to the increased activity, scientists decided to install temporary stations in the Mount Adams area.

SEATTLE, WA – SEPTEMBER 21: A view of Mount Adams is photographed from an Alaska Airlines flight at 30,000 feet on September 21, 2021, near Seattle, Washington. Mount Adams is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, 98 miles south of Seattle, and is part of a cascading volcanic arc, part of the Pacific Ring of Fire. (Photo by George Rose/Getty Images)

The new stations will give researchers an opportunity to better assess the significance of recent seismic activity.

At this time, there is no indication that the level of earthquake activity is cause for concern, according to the US Geological Survey Volcanology Observatory.

Results from the Rapid Deployment Tools will determine whether the USGS and the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network need to take any additional actions.

Mount Adams: where is it located and is it dangerous?

Mount Adams is located in south-central Washington, about 50 miles southwest of Yakima and 30 miles north of the White Salmon Hood River area. It is classified as a “highly threatened” volcano in the United States.

Washington, Mount Adams in the Cascade Range is the second highest mountain in Washington State, and a potentially active stratovolcano in the Cascade Range. (Photo: Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

The level of volcanic threat depends on what is known about the recent extent and type of eruptions. This information is weighed against potential impacts to nearby residents, aircraft activity, and general impacts to infrastructure if there is a volcanic event, according to the USGS.

“The greatest threat to people living near Mount Adams is lahars (muddy flows of rock, ash and ice that flow downstream like rapidly flowing concrete) which can occur during eruptive or non-eruptive periods. About 6,000 to 300 years ago, The resulting landslides “weak, high rock on the southwest flank of the volcano flowed up to and beyond the Trout Lake area,” representatives from USGS-CVO said.

Smaller landslide-triggered avalanches have occurred on the southwest side of the summit massif more recently, in 1921 and 1987. Scientists say these avalanches only traveled a few miles.

Historically, activity at a volcano is rarely explosive. The last eruption at the site was between 3,800 and 7,600 years ago.

Mount Adams is the largest active volcano in size and volume in Washington State.

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