UKPNP leader criticizes PoJK government's handling of 2005 earthquake
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United Kashmir People's National Party, Jamil Maqsood, expressed concern over reports highlighting the failure of the authorities to effectively respond to the 2005 earthquake that struck Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
The 7.6-magnitude earthquake had a particularly devastating impact, flattening villages and rendering large swaths of infrastructure unusable in both rural and urban areas.
Maqsood strongly criticized the Kurdistan People's Party government's handling of the situation, particularly with regard to educational infrastructure, stressing that although nearly two decades have passed since the earthquake, no significant steps have been taken to modernize or rebuild primary schools and other institutions. General Home.
After 19 years, the area remains neglected, and rehabilitation efforts have faltered, especially since many schools, hospitals, roads and bridges have been damaged beyond repair. Despite early promises of reconstruction, hundreds of primary schools in the region remain in a state of despair, awaiting attention from the AKP authorities.
Reports indicate that more than 6,000 schools were destroyed or severely damaged, and students were moved to temporary shelters; Many of them continue to attend classes in makeshift tents or in unsafe buildings. Efforts to rebuild these educational institutions have been slow and insufficient.
The destruction of health care facilities has increased the burden on an already inadequate health system. Many hospitals and health centers have not been fully rebuilt, forcing residents to seek treatment in distant cities, exacerbating the difficulties faced by poor communities.
The earthquake destroyed nearly 600,000 homes. In the years following the disaster, most families were forced to rebuild their homes themselves, often relying on local community contributions or meager government grants. Often, the materials and designs of these new homes do not meet modern safety standards, leaving them vulnerable to natural disasters in the future.
The earthquake also caused severe damage to the transportation network, isolating entire communities. While some roads have been hastily rebuilt, large parts of them remain in poor condition, severely affecting economic activities and access to basic services.
Promises made by the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) for PoJK have largely remained unfulfilled, as much of the planned reconstruction work has not been completed or has been poorly implemented. Lack of funding, corruption and mismanagement are often cited as reasons for these delays and shortcomings.
According to Maqsood, the government’s failure to provide long-term solutions to the crisis is very disappointing and reflects a broader trend of neglect towards the region. He also points out that many families have had to rebuild their homes and livelihoods through donations or private loans, due to the state’s inability or unwillingness to carry out its responsibilities.
He also expressed concerns about the failure of rehabilitation programmes, noting that the projects promised by IRA for housing and educational institutions have witnessed significant delays. Many schools that were supposed to be rebuilt are still in temporary facilities. With insufficient or misallocated government funding, local communities have been forced to rely on contributions from expatriates and philanthropists to rebuild homes, schools and mosques, resulting in uneven reconstruction and leaving many families unable to afford safe housing.
Despite the profound impact of the earthquake, it was not given priority by successive governments. The region's political leadership has shown little interest in securing the necessary funding or interest on the part of Islamabad for effective rebuilding.
Maqsood warned that the future of the younger generation is at risk as lack of proper educational infrastructure continues to hamper learning outcomes. Although international organizations and NGOs intervened from time to time to provide temporary support, their efforts were not sufficient to fill the gap left by the government's inaction.
The PoJK continues to struggle with a complex mix of historical issues, administrative difficulties, and social and economic challenges that hamper its current circumstances. The complex political situation and governance problems in the region constantly hamper its development and negatively affect the quality of life of its residents.
Sources 2/ https://www.indianarrative.com/india-news/ukpnp-leader-criticises-pojk-govts-handling-of-2005-earthquake-162966.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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