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An earthquake in Iran fuels online speculation of nuclear testing

An earthquake in Iran fuels online speculation of nuclear testing


Growing concerns between Israel and Iran over concerns surrounding the Iranian nuclear program. Speculation is growing that the recent earthquake in Iran may not have been a natural disaster at all.

Over the past two decades, Israeli forces have prepared for the possibility of striking Iranian nuclear facilities. These sites include the heavily fortified Natanz and Fordow sites, where Iran is enriching uranium…just steps away from the materials used to make bombs.

However, recent reports reveal that Israel's military ability to strike those sites without US assistance is limited. Although Israeli air exercises simulated the operation, officials question whether they could successfully destroy Iran's nuclear infrastructure without using American “bunker buster” bombs designed to penetrate deep underground.

There is also growing pressure within Israel to act now. Israeli politicians describe this moment as the ideal moment to paralyze the Iranian nuclear program, especially in light of the weakness of Hezbollah and Hamas due to recent conflicts.

The Biden administration urged Israel to avoid directly striking Iranian nuclear facilities, warning of the possibility of a large-scale regional war. President Joe Biden recently spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and stressed the importance of relative retaliation in the wake of Iranian missile strikes on Israeli territory. Biden emphasized that while Israel has the right to defend itself, any attack on nuclear or energy sites could lead to catastrophic escalation.

Last week, a 4.5-magnitude earthquake shook Semnan Province, not far from major nuclear facilities. The earthquake's shallow depth and location has led to online speculation that this may have been an underground nuclear test, although officials are still investigating it.

Social media exploded with rumors following the earthquake, but no official confirmation has been made. Analysts warn that if Iran conducts a nuclear test, it would significantly escalate the already fragile situation between Iran and Israel.

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For straight arrow news… I'm Kara Rucker.




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