The University of Tokyo's famous Red Gate may collapse in the event of an earthquake or strong winds
TOKYO – Generations of the country's top scholars and leaders have gone through it on their way to building an advanced society.
Now Akamon Gate, the iconic red gate of the University of Tokyo campus in central Tokyo, is in danger of collapsing.
Seismic experts believe that the gate, which dates back nearly 200 years, has been weakened to the point that it could collapse in the event of a major earthquake or hurricane-force winds.
The gate at Hongo Campus in Bunkyo Ward has been closed since February 2021 while structural inspection is underway. The university is looking forward to starting the strengthening works from next financial year at the earliest, with the hope of reopening as soon as possible.
Akamon Gate, officially known as Goshodenmon, is the oldest remaining building on campus and has been designated as an Important Cultural Property.
It was built in 1827 by Lord Nariasu Maeda of Kaga Province, to welcome his new bride, the daughter of the 11th Shogun of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
Originally part of the Maeda clan residence in Edo, it remained intact when the site became part of the University of Tokyo during the Meiji era (1868-1912). It also survived the Great Kanto Earthquake and air raids in Tokyo during World War II.
In 2018, the Cultural Affairs Agency asked owners or managers of important cultural properties to implement the enhancements. In response, the university commissioned an expert to conduct a visual inspection of the structure.
The expert detected the possibility of deterioration in the base of the columns and in the roof joints, which led to the gate being closed as a precaution.
The gate escaped demolition when a more detailed examination by university researchers revealed that there was no serious damage to the column bases and that the joints were sufficiently tight.
However, it has been determined that a strong force from an earthquake or strong winds impacting the gate could cause it to collapse outside the campus, endangering pedestrians on the sidewalk.
One factor was that the way the tiled roof was constructed made it very heavy.
Its weight is about 200 to 220 kg per square meter, which represents 80 percent of the estimated 40 tons for the entire gate. The examination also found that the center of gravity was located slightly on the street side of the gate.
The university plans to improve the gate's earthquake resistance by strengthening the column bases and making the roof lighter by reducing the amount of dirt used to attach the tiles.
Since it is important to first come up with a method that does not affect the aesthetic value of the gate, there is no timetable for restoration and reopening.
Professor Kaori Fujita, who participated in the inspection, said: “It is painful for the gate to remain closed, but we want to proceed with repairs carefully so that it can be preserved for future generations.” Japan News / Asia News Network
Sources 2/ https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/university-of-tokyo-s-famous-red-gate-may-collapse-if-earthquake-or-strong-winds-hit The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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