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Volcano Watch: The Great Hawaiian Tremor of 2024: Kauai Now

Volcano Watch: The Great Hawaiian Tremor of 2024: Kauai Now


“Volcano Watch” is a weekly article and activity update written by scientists from the USGS, Hawaiian Volcano Observatory and their affiliates. Today's article was written by Hawaiian Volcano Observatory seismologist Jefferson Chang.

Earthquakes are common in Hawaii, and we should always prepare for earthquakes.

Millions of people around the world do the “Lie, Cover and Hold” exercise annually on the third Thursday in October, including us in Hawaii.

Courtesy of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

In our hanabata (younger) days, we would sometimes hear these melodic notes moving slowly through the neighborhood. You couldn't see where it was at first, but you knew what it was right away.

This beautiful sound signaled that the Manapua truck was coming.

As children, we would hear that sound and run outside to look for the truck and wait in anticipation, all the while shouting to our neighbors that “the Manapua man is coming!” In case they didn't already know.

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As an adult, I do essentially the same thing at the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory, only manapua trucks are volcanic eruptions—or intrusions, if they fail to penetrate the Earth's surface.

The “sweet melodies” I now hear as they move slowly across the Earth are earthquakes that grow stronger and more frequent as the magma approaches the surface.

However, not all earthquakes in Hawaii are caused by magma movement; Some of the most damaging earthquakes are caused by structural modifications caused by the weight of our islands pressing against the Pacific plate.

A lot has changed since Manapua trucks roamed the neighborhoods as well, especially in terms of how communications happen.

At that time, we had one phone number for the entire house. This number rang on one phone, or maybe two phones, if I was lucky, that were either in the kitchen or in the hallway, plugged into the wall.

This has been the norm for decades.

Then technological advances unleashed a barrage of new possibilities.

Computers have become common equipment in schools and families. With them came the Internet.

Phones detached from the walls, then their size shrank, then they shrank more, then they shrank even more!

In fact, every piece of technology has shrunk. Computers, internet, phones – all now in one pocket.

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With all the technological advances, including machine learning in its current state, we have not yet been able to successfully predict earthquakes. There is no notice anyone can send before a major earthquake occurs.

All we can do is prepare to be shaken when — not if — a big one hits.

Although earthquakes cannot be predicted, technology brings us closer to this fantasy by detecting, measuring and locating intense earthquakes as quickly as they occur.

The United States has two earthquake early warning systems:

ShakeAlert, a USGS-led collaboration between federal and state agencies, university researchers and industry partners, has sent notifications to people in California since 2019 and Oregon and Washington states since 2021. Google, an industry partner in earthquake early warning systems, announced the ShakeAlert consortium, in September By 2024, it plans to roll out Android earthquake alerts in the other 47 states and five U.S. territories. However, it is important to note that Google's system is only for Android devices, is owned and is not associated with any government agency.

No matter what earthquake early warning system you may encounter, it is most useful for people far from the epicenter, or the place where the earthquake originated.

If ground shaking is expected to be severe, the notification will say “Drop, cover, and wait,” because the most likely causes of earthquake injuries are falls and/or objects falling on you:

Drop to the ground on your hands and knees as soon as you realize an earthquake is occurring. Cover your head and neck with your arms, if possible, or crawl under a sturdy table or next to the bed to protect yourself from falling objects. Hold on to your shelter until the shaking stops, as strong earthquakes may blow the cover away.

Since “we're lucky to live in Hawaii,” you may be near the ocean or near sea level when a strong earthquake occurs. In this case, head to higher ground after severe shaking and look for notifications from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

We invite you to join us at 10:17 a.m. on October 17 for the 2024 Great Hawai'i ShakeOut.

Start by registering online, where you will receive valuable updates and resources on what to do before and after an earthquake.

Volcano activity updates

Kīlauea does not erupt. The USGS Volcano Alert Level is at Advisory Level.

Low-level unrest continues in the Middle East rift zone following the September 15-20 eruption.

Over the past week, about 40 earthquakes have been located in the Kīlauea summit area, and about 100 earthquakes have been located in the rift zone from the top to the Middle East. Rates of ground deformation have decreased significantly since the eruption, but the data show that magma continues to move at a low rate from the summit to the Middle East rift zone.

Intrusive episodes and eruptions could occur in the future as the magma supply continues.

The most recent measurement of the sulfur dioxide emission rate at the summit was 60 tons per day on September 17, and no emissions were detected at the eruption site or downwind as of September 23.

Mauna Loa does not erupt. The USGS Volcano Alert Level is at normal.

No significant earthquakes were reported in the Hawaiian Islands over the past week.

The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory continues to closely monitor Kīlauea and Mauna Loa.

Visit the observatory's website for previous Volcano Watch articles, Kīlauea and Mauna Loa updates, volcano photos, maps, recent earthquake information, and more. Email questions to [email protected].




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