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Has Iran already built nuclear weapons? The October 5 earthquake indicates that Tehran may… and will lead to…

Has Iran already built nuclear weapons? The October 5 earthquake indicates that Tehran may… and will lead to…
Has Iran already built nuclear weapons? The October 5 earthquake indicates that Tehran may… and will lead to…


Home News Has Iran really built nuclear weapons? The October 5 earthquake indicates that Tehran has…, and will lead to… While Iran, like its arch-enemy, Israel, is not officially recognized as a nuclear power, many geopolitical experts believe the Muslim nation already has a weapons cache. Nuclear. However, it is unclear whether these products are made locally or sourced from allied countries such as China and Russia. Iran allegedly conducted a nuclear test on October 5, causing an earthquake in Semnan Province. (file)

Iranian nuclear test: On October 5, a 4.6-magnitude earthquake shook Semnan, a remote province in the Iranian desert, sparking speculation around the world that Iran may have conducted a nuclear test in the wake of the looming threat from Israel and its allies. Allied countries, especially the United States.

Many experts insist that Semnan is not an earthquake-prone area, and have claimed that the tremor was man-made, and may have been caused by a nuclear weapon test by Iran, which is on the brink of a deadly war with Israel.

Does this mean that Iran has already obtained or developed nuclear weapons? Here's everything you should know about this topic:

How many nuclear sites does Iran have?

According to reports, Iran has up to 18 nuclear sites, which, according to Tehran, are used for its “peaceful nuclear programme.” These nuclear sites are Anarak, Arak, Ardakan, Bonab, Bushehr, Chalus, Darkovin, Fordo, Isfahan, Karaj, Lashkarabad, Lavizan, Lavizan-3, Natanz, Parchin, Sagand, Tehran Research Reactor, and Yazd.

Of these nuclear facilities, the Natanz nuclear facility is the largest and most likely candidate when it comes to developing and/or producing nuclear weapons.

It is worth noting that Iran may have dozens of other nuclear facilities hidden deep underground, which are hidden away from its enemies, according to experts.

Is Iran capable of developing nuclear weapons?

As we mentioned previously, even among the nuclear facilities that the world knows, there are many of them capable of developing and producing nuclear weapons, especially the Natanz nuclear facility, which extends over an area of ​​100,000 square kilometers and is an enhanced fuel enrichment plant.

Natanz is located in Natanz District in Isfahan Province. It is built 8 meters underground and protected by a 2.5-meter-thick concrete wall, which is itself protected by another concrete wall.

Natanz was a secret site, and IAEA Director General Mohamed ElBaradei visited it in February 2003, where he reported that at that time, 160 centrifuges were complete and ready for operation at the facility. In 2009, the International Atomic Energy Agency said the Natanz facility had nearly 7,000 centrifuges, of which 5,000 produced low-enriched uranium.

Iran has reportedly restricted access to the Natanz nuclear facility by IAEA inspectors and other bodies.

Aside from Natanz, Iran has several other nuclear plants, such as the Tehran Research Reactor, which is said to be capable of building nuclear weapons.

Does Iran really have nuclear weapons?

While Iran, like its arch-enemy Israel, is not officially recognized as a nuclear power, many geopolitical experts believe the Islamic State already has a cache of nuclear weapons. However, it is unclear whether these products are made locally or sourced from allied countries such as China and Russia.

Is Israel a nuclear power?

It is officially known that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, but the Jews have neither denied nor admitted that they possess nuclear capabilities. It is estimated that Israel possesses about 90 nuclear warheads, and stocks of fissile material sufficient for about 200 weapons. Tel Aviv has often stressed that it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons into the Middle East.

Israel may target Iranian nuclear facilities

Israel may decide, despite the United States' request not to do so, to target Iranian nuclear facilities as it considers its options for launching retaliatory strikes against Tehran in response to the latter's October 1 missile attack on Jews. Geopolitical experts have warned that if Israel goes after Iranian nuclear sites, the conflict could escalate into a nuclear war, as Iran would likely retaliate with nuclear weapons, which it could develop in a short period of time, if it has not already done so.




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