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The theory is that a solar eclipse determines the location of the next earthquake in the country

The theory is that a solar eclipse determines the location of the next earthquake in the country


Last April, this was all everyone talked about for days: a total solar eclipse that was visible across a small swath of the United States stretching from Texas to Maine.

Because we live in a deeply conspiratorial (and terrifying) time, the eclipse has brought with it all kinds of crazy theories. Among them is one centered on the geographical point along the Mississippi River where the 2024 eclipse and the 2017 eclipse overlap. It turns out that this point is a sweet spot in America's history with earthquakes, of all things.

The theory states that the point where the eclipse crossed “marks the location” of the next major earthquake.

Earthquakes are certainly not something unique to the United States. California is famous for it, and the entire western United States is riddled with faults, including the Cascadia Subduction Zone in the Pacific Northwest, which will one day produce an earthquake that will make San Andreas, California, look like child's play.

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And while earthquakes happen in all sorts of unexpected places in the United States — there was one in New Jersey just days before the eclipse — the middle of the country along the Mississippi River isn't exactly “earthquake country.”

So, at first glance, this theory about eclipses seems ridiculous. The path of totality on August 21, 2017, ran diagonally from Oregon to South Carolina, while on April 8, 2024, it ran from Texas to Maine, meaning the two paths crossed directly along the Illinois-Missouri border.

But it turns out that this area is actually one of America's many earthquake ground zero zones. The mysterious events that occurred before the 2024 eclipse did little to dispel this theory.

The eclipse's paths intersect near New Madrid, Missouri, home to one of America's least known but most active seismic zones.

Now, before we go any further, the eclipse paths didn't actually intersect in New Madrid, Missouri; They intersected in Carbondale, Illinois, more than 90 miles apart.

Although research has found that additional tidal pressure from an eclipse may increase the likelihood of earthquakes, the two are almost unrelated. The only people who seem to think they're connected also think they're a form of God's wrath – like many Christians who said the April 8, 2024 eclipse would lead to the rapture, which it didn't.

What happened, oddly enough, was a swarm of about five small earthquakes in the New Madrid Seismic Zone on April 5, 2024, three days before the eclipse and, even stranger still, on the same day as the 4.8 magnitude earthquake that struck New Jersey. strange!

However, it is not uncommon for the New Madrid earthquake zone to do this. Intraplate earthquakes, small earthquakes that occur within the tectonic plates themselves, happen there all the time, and are rarely of sufficient intensity to be felt by the millions of people who live in the area. But this certainly won't last forever.

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The New Madrid Fault Zone has a long and legendary history of catastrophic earthquakes, and seismologists say a major quake is long overdue.

America is known throughout the world for its legendary earthquakes, especially the 1964 Alaska earthquake near Anchorage – the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in the United States with a magnitude of 9.2 on the Richter scale – as well as the disastrous 7.9 magnitude San Francisco earthquake in 1906 which He nearly leveled the fledgling city to the ground.

But in the 19th century, the New Madrid Fault Zone was competing with California, when it suddenly woke up out of nowhere and generated a series of horrific earthquakes over the course of a few weeks in 1811 and 1812.

It began on December 16, 1811, with a magnitude 7.9–8.2 earthquake, followed by a magnitude 7.2 aftershock later that day, and another magnitude 7–8 aftershock on January 23, 1812.

On February 7, 1812, the “Great Earthquake” had its day: a quake ranging in magnitude from 7.4 to 8.2, which destroyed the city of New Madrid. The shaking was so strong that it made the Mississippi River appear to flow backwards, adding to the panic. Even the city of St. Louis, more than 150 miles north, sustained damage, felt all the way to New Orleans and Charleston.

For context, all of those quakes were stronger than legendary earthquakes like the 6.9 Loma Prieta earthquake in San Francisco, which stopped the 1989 World Series on live television, and the 1994 6.7 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles, which to this day is considered the costliest earthquake. In the history of the United States.

US Geological Survey scientists say there is only a 10% chance of repeating the 1811-1812 earthquakes in the next 50 years, and paleoseismic studies have found that although New Madrid has produced massive earthquakes dating back to 900 AD, they tend to only occur Every 500 years or so.

However, the USGS says there is a 25-40% chance of a smaller but still catastrophic earthquake of magnitude 6.0 or greater occurring in the New Madrid Fault Zone within the next 50 years, so it's certainly only a matter of time before people see a river flowing Mississippi backwards. once again.

Maybe it will happen during the next eclipse, just to keep people guessing.

Related: What It Means If You Were Born During an Eclipse

John Sundholm is a news and entertainment writer covering popular culture, social justice, and human interest topics.




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