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Swiftiequake: How Taylor Swift and others' concerts are recorded on seismic detectors |

Swiftiequake: How Taylor Swift and others' concerts are recorded on seismic detectors |
Swiftiequake: How Taylor Swift and others' concerts are recorded on seismic detectors |


When Jackie Kaplan Auerbach, a volcanic seismologist and professor of geophysics at Western Washington University, saw a post on social media asking how to record Taylor Swift concerts on seismometers, she jumped at the opportunity to research the phenomenon of stadium seismology.

Kaplan-Auerbach presented her and her colleagues' findings in a lecture titled “The Taylor Swift Earthquake, Seismology at Concerts, and the Seismic Battle of the Bands” via Zoom at Plant Hall on October 7. The small study hall was full of aspiring Swifties. And those who are generally curious about the results.

Upon completion of her research on stadium seismology, specifically around concerts, Kaplan Auerbach and her colleagues determined that amplified music creates high frequencies in seismic readings, and that audience activity creates strong low readings.

Research into stadium seismology first began after a Seahawks game in 2011 called the “Monster Earthquake.” A play completed by “Beast Mode” Marshawn Lynch left the field rumbling, creating frequencies on Seattle's courtside seismograph. This event was one of the first examples that showed that human activity could be detected by seismometers.

A seismograph is a scientific hole securely fixed to the ground so that when the ground shakes everything shakes except the instrument which stays in one place to record the seismic activity.

Kaplan-Auerbach explained that although high frequencies varied greatly with songs, they had little effect on actual levels of seismic motion. Low frequencies associated with dancing, jumping, and crowd movement largely determine “earthquake” levels.

In terms of the seismic battle between the bands, Swift wins with the most seismic energy. Swift's crowds are large dancers, creating a fair amount of low frequencies, a contributing factor to the high levels of seismic activity associated with her concerts.

Kaplan Auerbach showed side-by-side videos of Taylor Swift concerts with levels of seismic movement, showing how the audience jumps and dances during big choruses of songs like “Love Story” and “You Need to Calm Down,” causing seismic activity. It's rising.

Artists like Ed Sheeran, The Rolling Stones, and Beyoncé have recorded similar levels of seismic activity at their concerts. Interestingly, Sheeran won the seismic competition for a single when he brought out Macklemore for “Can't Hold Us” on August 26, 2023. Beyoncé had the strongest amplified music, contributing the high frequencies on the seismic charts.

“When it comes to the battle of the bands… everyone eventually turns out to be good at something,” Kaplan-Auerbach said. “And the science is great.”

For the full seismological findings by Kaplan-Auerbach and her colleagues, visit their paper published in GSA Today, the membership publication of the Geological Society of America, in the May 2024 edition.

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