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Qatar's partnership with the World Health Organization leaves a legacy for safer, healthier mega-sporting events

Qatar's partnership with the World Health Organization leaves a legacy for safer, healthier mega-sporting events


Capturing and building on the experiences of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, the State of Qatar and the World Health Organization today released a new report that provides lessons learned and recommendations for organizing healthy and safe mega and mass sporting events around the world.

The report, titled Changing the Game: Enhancing Health and Well-Being through Sporting Events, is the product of the three-year Sport for Health partnership established in 2021 by Qatar and the World Health Organization, in collaboration with FIFA and Qatar's Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy. , to ensure a legacy of a healthy and safe FIFA World Cup in Qatar 2022. It was launched during a ministerial event titled Enhancing Health and Well-Being through Sports Events, held in Doha during the current 71.St WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Her. Dr. Hanan Mohamed Al Kuwari, Qatar's Minister of Public Health, said: “The collaboration between Qatar, WHO and FIFA can inspire organizers of the world's major sporting events to integrate health into the planning and execution of their events.”

“The Sport for Health model reflects a commitment to harnessing the transformative power of mega-sporting events to create lasting improvements in public health and well-being,” said Dr Al Kuwari. “This report details our joint effort – a new model that unites nations, international organizations and sports federations in a common mission.”

dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, said the new report shows the power of sport – and sporting events – to empower people to lead healthier lives, physically and mentally.

“Once again we see that health promotion, health advocacy and health security can be seamlessly integrated into the organization of mega sporting events,” said Dr Tedros. “WHO is committed to ensuring that sporting events continue to be used as powerful drivers of sustainable health.”

Mr. Mutaz Barshim, Qatar's Olympic high jump champion, said: “Sport has an unparalleled ability to inspire, unite and transform lives. By promoting physical and mental well-being during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022â„¢, Sport for health initiative has shown how sport can lead to healthier lives for all, setting a valuable model for future global events.”

The Sport for Health partnership culminated in the organization of a series of health-related activities during the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022â„¢, addressing health promotion (tobacco control, healthy eating, mental health and physical activity), health safety and advocacy and communication.

A review of the three-year project was conducted and a number of recommendations were made, including the importance of:

  • Developing memorandums of understanding with the private healthcare sector – including hospitals and healthcare providers – prior to major events to lay the foundations for effective collaboration;
  • Involvement of all competent bodies and authorities in decision-making, planning and implementation;
  • Developing and reviewing comprehensive plans and procedures to enhance security at mega sporting events, then testing them with an equally comprehensive training program and series of major incident drills.
  • Establishing mechanisms to strengthen compliance with public health and social measures and other established public health protocols.

The Sport for Health partnership was launched to support health protection efforts during and after the tournament, so visitors, players, staff and residents can have a safe and enjoyable time. The partnership also focused on advocating for improved health outside of sport, making the most of the World Cup and its legacy by linking it to a range of programs that promote physical activity, healthy eating and healthy lifestyle choices. This report outlines the learning process and outcomes of the partnership and offers the Healthy FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 project as a model to be adapted for future sporting events.





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